New Yoga Life

90% of the four key points of Yoga side angle pose are wrong!

The seemingly simple Utthita Parsvakonasana is not easy to do.

Definition of Utthita Parsvakonasana: Utthita means extension, parsva means side, Kona means angle, and SANA means asana.

This asana is called side angle extension.

Side angle Yoga: Utthita Parsvakonasana stretching part Yoga side angle mainly stretches the side of the body, from the outside of the foot to the hip and then to the armpit; The red part indicates force, the green part indicates stretching, and the arrow indicates the direction of movement.

The strength part also needs the strength of the legs.

The bent leg needs to start the strength of the inner side of the leg, and the straight leg needs to start the strength of the inner side of the leg.

It can be said that Yoga side angle pose is entered from warrior pose 2.

Therefore, the positive position of both legs should be the same as warrior pose 2, but the state of the upper body is different.

The following points are easy to make mistakes in practicing side angle pose ↓↓ 1 The bent knee is not in the Yoga side angle pose.

It is easy to buckle the knee inward, which will put pressure on the knee.

Keep your knees straight forward and the outside of your knees should be close to the inside of your lower arm There is no force on the inside of the straight leg.

If there is no force on the inside of the straight leg, it is obvious that the outside of the foot does not compact the ground.

In most cases, it is because the hip is too low.

At this time, you can raise the hip slightly and start the strength of the inner side of the leg to lift up and press the outer side of the foot down for 3 The hips are not aligned.

Sometimes in order to support the hands to the ground, they will rotate the hips forward and down, which is wrong.

Insert the thigh root of the bent leg back, straighten the hip, start the hip muscle of the straight leg, and rotate the hip abduction 4 The chest cavity does not extend.

It rotates upward from the outside of the hip and opens up like the armpit.

The chest is well extended.

Finally, it is emphasized that, like the triangle, in the side angle and, we should pay attention not to rotate the hip forward in order to let the hand support the ground, which will lose the significance of the whole pose.

In order to make the asana really work, we should practice in the positive position.

▼ good lessons in the near future..

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