Juejing Yoga Culture retreat center · agriculture and forestry sub teaching point in March intensive class opening plan

The significance of intensive courses: 1 The gradual teaching of the course is conducive to students’ understanding of yoga poses.


Each period of regular students’ classes is conducive to the teacher’s syllabus and familiarity with the students’ bodies.


In continuous classes, students can improve their physical awareness and solve their physical problems.


Cultivate students’ focus on practice, which is conducive to the practice spirit of self-discipline.


It is conducive to popularizing the correct cognition and concept of yoga.


Do not pursue, compare or follow the trend.

Focus on the training of students’ basic and classic posture.

Agricultural and forestry teaching center: A: March 7-18, 2022 (10 days / period) B: March 21-April 1, 2022 (10 days / period) class time: Monday to Friday 8:00-9:15 PM Bishop: Honghong teacher fee: ¥ 288 / period address: Floor 2, Shengli e center, Shengli Road, Pengjiang district, Jiangmen City.

For details, you can add juejing Yoga customer service wechat consultation or call: 19867510193 teaching content: according to “Introduction to Iyengar yoga” is the syllabus, Make the course arrangement sequence and adjustment according to the actual situation of the students) the first lesson: correct cognition of the foundation of the sole of the foot.

The second lesson: standing posture and thigh strength.

The third lesson: the connection between the leg and the hip and the position of the hip joint / pelvis.

The fourth lesson: waist and abdomen awareness and the extension of the lower back.

The fifth lesson: opening the chest and shoulder and neck conditioning.

The sixth lesson: flow series exercise, Sun Salutation Lesson 7: basic strength and balance pose Lesson 8: arm, shoulder and back strength, preparation for handstand Lesson 9: chest opening, Preparation for backward bend Lesson 10: comprehensive review juejing Yoga Culture retreat center 2022 overall yoga · teacher training course year-round enrollment (full-time day class and evening class) juejing Yoga Culture retreat center (Port headquarters) – founder of pure yoga lifestyle advocate: Arab teacher yoga, retreat, singing, vegetarian, peace, joy, all sentient beings, Always have happiness and cause of happiness.

May all living beings be free from all suffering and all causes of suffering forever.

May all sentient beings be happy without pain forever and my heart be happy.

May all living beings be free from greed and anger and live in equality…

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