[wild goose Yoga] course schedule from February 7 to February 13

Yan Yoga Iyengar yoga center India Puna Iyengar yoga General Institute authorizes the only Iyengar Certification Center in Hebei Province.

You sincerely invest in yoga, and I will always be by your side.

Withyourtruededicationtoyoga,Iamalwayswithyou.—— B.

The course arrangement of k.s.iyengar wild goose Yoga member course system follows the teaching system of India Iyengar yoga General Institute – the system is designed and guided by master b.k.s.

Iyengar himself, perfectly combines the scientificity, sequence and accuracy of Iyengar yoga, gradually opens all levels of the body, and lays a solid foundation for breath regulation and more in-depth practice.

The membership course system of the four special topics of wild goose Yoga corresponds to four teaching topics every four weeks.

The first week standing topic, the second week bending forward and twisting topic, the third week bending back topic, and the fourth week comprehensive topics · handstand, sitting and other topics are included in the weekly special exercises.

Course arrangement about appointment · please make an appointment in advance · for a course that can be reserved one week in advance, if you are unable to attend the course for personal reasons, please cancel the course one hour in advance or contact the customer service to cancel the appointment.

Please wait outside the door while the chanting is in progress, and then enter the classroom; Two hours before class, please try to have an empty stomach; Please try not to bring your mobile phone into the classroom.

All regulations are to respect every teacher and every classmate, and create a good order and learning environment.

Thank you for your support and understanding! Address: 801 ○ RONGTONG Caijin building, No.

598, Zhongshan East Road, Chang’an District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province contact information: 19930690816 (wechat synchronization) 18632136652 (wechat synchronization)..

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