New Yoga Life

Yoga “leg locking” is very effective in relieving flatulence and constipation!

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Pay attention to ↑↑↑ slide up to view the content ↑ signs of excessive or disordered downwind of flatulence and constipation.

According to Ayurveda, wind energy dominates among the three energies, controls the central nervous system and is responsible for most of the physical and psychological activities.

The downward wind (Apana Vayu) in wind energy mainly controls the activities of intestinal and pelvic organs, and is mainly responsible for the excretion function and reproductive function of the body.

When the downwind is excessive or disordered, the functions of pelvic organs and intestines are unbalanced, the intestinal peristalsis speed is accelerated, the intestinal energy is insufficient, the intestinal tract becomes drier, and there are symptoms such as flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, spasm and pain.

In serious cases, there will be urinary system disorders, female physiologic disorders, male prostate disorders, etc.

▼ click the card below to pay attention to our leg locking pawanmuktasana, also known as “apanasana”.

According to the viewpoint of traditional hatha yoga, this posture mainly regulates the downward wind, calms the excess and disorder of wind energy in the intestinal and pelvic areas, and restores the normal function of intestinal and pelvic organs.

Regularly practice the leg locking posture, repeatedly squeeze and relax the abdomen, gently stimulate the intestinal tract and other abdominal organs, improve the blood circulation of the abdominal cavity, release the nervous tension in the lower back, restore the excessive and disordered wind energy of the intestinal tract to the natural balance state, and effectively control and alleviate the symptoms such as flatulence and constipation.

Practice steps ▼ click the card below to focus on our supine position.

The head, neck and entire spine are in line.

Keep your feet as wide as your hips, bend your knees, keep your thighs parallel, and step your feet flat on the pad.

Put your arms on your side, straighten your elbows, put your palms down, and stretch your fingers naturally.

Collect your senses, keep your eyes on the tip of your nose, and watch your breathing several times.

Inhale, straighten your arms, cross your hands, and hug the front of your lower leg under your left knee; Keep your right knee bent, your right foot flat on the mat, and your toes stretch naturally.

Exhale, keep the shoulders stable, bend the elbows, slowly pull the left knee with both arms, assist the left thigh to gently squeeze the left abdomen; Stay in a comfortable position with your left knee as close to your chest as possible.

Inhale, straighten your elbows, straighten your arms, leave your left knee off your chest, leave your left thigh off your abdomen, and relax your abdomen.

Keep your right knee bent, your right foot flat on the mat, and your toes stretch naturally.

Cooperate with breathing and repeat the above steps for 6 ~ 8 times.

Then stay in step 3), keep the posture and breathe 6 ~ 8 times.

Repeat the above steps for the right leg.

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After the practice is completed, lie on your back and relax for 3 ~ 5 minutes.

For the above exercises, it is recommended to practice once in the morning and evening every day, 3 ~ 5 groups each time, and 6 ~ 8 times on the left and right sides of each group.

During the practice, always keep the awareness of posture and breathing, keep the mind relaxed as much as possible, and breathe slowly and gently.

Warm tips 1) asana practice is best carried out on an empty stomach, or 3 hours after dinner.

2) According to the energy state in the body and combined with the local climate characteristics, it will be better to drink fennel tea in an appropriate amount to alleviate the symptoms of flatulence and constipation.

3) Pregnant women with a history of habitual abortion should practice carefully.

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4) it is not suitable to practice within half a year after abdominal and pelvic surgery.

5) If there is an obstacle in the knee joint, cross your hands, surround the back of your thigh and close to the popliteal fossa.

6) When maintaining the posture in step 3, there is no obstacle in the following back (waist).

Try to straighten the right leg to increase the strength of the posture practice.

If you feel discomfort in your lower back, keep your right knee bent and your right foot firmly on the cushion.

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