New Yoga Life

Open the heart chakra and dredge the breast. This yoga sequence makes you feel “suddenly bright”!

I often hear a lot of message feedback from Gaja people.

They feel comfortable in body and mind and their mental state becomes much better after a yoga class.

Why? In fact, our body shape and emotion affect each other.

When you are angry, you will shrug your shoulders and shorten your neck! When you are depressed, you will feel that the whole person has a hunchback.

When you feel happy or confident, your body will stretch and open, and your walking pace will be light! Therefore, when you are in a bad mood, you might as well spread out the yoga mat and have a self dialogue with your body and heart.

After all, nothing can not be solved in a yoga class.

Today, I share a set of Yoga sequence, which can not only stretch your body and dredge your breast, but also open the heart chakra, balance energy, and feel comfortable in body and mind after practicing! 01.

Baby breathing: kneel on your knees, sit on your heels, inhale and extend your spine upward, exhale, bend your body forward, keep your forehead close to the ground, pay attention to the micro retraction of the core, and keep your hands on the back of your hips naturally for 1-2 minutes.

Feel physical and mental relaxation 02.

Exit from baby breathing, hold your hands on the ground, stretch your left hand forward, and touch the ground with your right hand through the left armpit and the right cheek, feel the armpit stretch and lengthen your spine, and stay for 8 breaths on each side The dog type exits from the needle type and enters the dog type.

Pay attention to keep the thigh perpendicular to the ground, feel the extension of the spine under the back pressure of the legs and feet, sink the armpit and chest, and feel the continuous extension of the hands for 1 minute.


After the eagle hand dog type exits, return to King Kong and sit with the right elbow bent on the, the left elbow bent around each other.

Pay attention to the relaxation of the shoulders, the adduction of the ribs, keep 8 breaths, and then change to the other side 05 Open the heart chakra, continue to sit in King Kong, inhale and exhale.

Bend your elbows in an L-shape.

Feel the backward force behind your elbows, feel the chest fully open, and keep 8 breaths.


Keep your cow face hand in King Kong’s seat, keep your right hand upward, then bend your elbow, let the palm find the middle of the shoulder blade, abduct your left hand, then bend your elbow and clasp your right finger, and pay attention to the adduction of the ribs, Keep the spine lengthened and the fingers can’t buckle each other.

You can use towels to help keep 8 breaths and change the opposite side.

As a woman, you must practice more postures to open the chest and dredge the armpits and mammary glands, which is very important to health! The copyright belongs to the creator.

If there is any infringement, please contact us in time! ▼▼▼▼ the new products are featured and sold well.

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