The most effective Yoga hip opening posture is practiced once a day. It is not difficult to open the hip

Remember how flexible we were when we were young? How are you feeling now? It feels stiff! Due to the sedentary lifestyle or other reasons, our flexibility will become worse and worse as we grow older.

The main part of the body (such as the hips) is composed of many parts, so it is normal to feel some pressure and tension in this area.

Yoga stretching can be an effective relief, but once you can’t touch your toes or squat properly, it can be very difficult to restore flexibility.

In other words, yoga may be useful for relieving stiffness, but it takes time, perseverance and patience to be effective.

Share a few yoga poses today.

Practicing them regularly can help you restore your hip flexibility.

Note: before starting any routine exercise, it is best to consult a professional to avoid injury.

If you feel pain or discomfort during yoga practice, you should stop practicing.


Malasana stands with feet separated and shoulder width apart.

Lower your hips to the squat position and keep your heels touching the ground.

Put your hands together in front of your chest, straighten your spine and keep breathing for 5 times (30 seconds).

Start in the plank pose with the right toe pointing to the outside of pristahana.

Sink your hips, keep your chest forward, and touch your elbows to the ground.

Maintain 5 breaths (30 seconds).

Then repeat on the other side.


Markatasana brings the right foot to the outside of the right hand, lowers the knee, raises the foot and holds it with the right hand for 5 times to breathe evenly, then repeats 4 on the other side, and the low lunge variant anjaneyasana enters the lunge position.

Place the right knee on the cushion.

Grab it with your right foot.

Lift your chest and your tailbone down.

Keep breathing evenly for 5 times, and then repeat 5 on the other side.

The pigeon pose (ekapada rajakapotasana) starts from the lunge, with the right foot forward and the arms on one side.

Right foot to the right.

Put your knees on the mat.

Keep your left foot straight.

Bend forward and move your hand in front of your body.

Keep breathing evenly for 5 times, and then practice on the other side.


The pigeon variant (rajakapotasana) also starts from the lunge position and extends the right foot forward between the arms.

turn left.

Slowly lower your shins.

Open to the left and stretch your left foot.

Keep breathing evenly for 5 times, and then practice on the other side.


Baddha konasana uttasana sits on a cushion and leans the soles of her feet together.

Open your knees to both sides to form a diamond with your legs, and then wrap your arms around the outer edge of your feet.


Extend the spine and keep 5 even breaths 8.

In the breaststroke, first, lie down and separate your knees to maximize flexibility.

Bend your feet and place their inner edges on the mat.

Move your hips back slightly to keep them level with your knees.

Keep breathing evenly for 5 times.

If you can keep practicing the whole sequence twice a week, you will feel a great change in a month.

Even if you practice only once a week, it can bring you obvious results.

As long as you keep practicing, your joints will be more flexible and your thighs will be tighter and more fit…

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