New Yoga Life

Five Secrets of happiness after yoga!

Since I practiced yoga, many friends around me feel that I have changed, become cheerful, become optimistic, become full of happiness and burst out.

Why? We all know that we can’t give others what we don’t even have.

If we don’t have happiness, we can’t give others happiness.

If we don’t love, we can’t give others love, and we can’t really love anyone.

And yoga teaches us how to love ourselves.

– 1-yoga teaches us to accept who we are.

In Yin Yoga, you may find your body very stiff.

Learn to accept it, don’t force it, Give time to melt.

In the shoulder handstand, you may see the fat on your abdomen, learn to accept it and love it.

When you love your body, you can get along with yourself in harmony- 2 – yoga teaches us to overcome fear.

In inverted yoga, we can overcome fear; When the teacher helps you go deep into the asana, overcome your fear, give your body to the teacher and give your body to breathing.

As facing the future, no fear, as facing difficulties, no fear, as facing life, no fear, give the future to time- 3 – yoga teaches us to nourish the mind.

Many physical diseases are more or less related to the mind.

Spend some time every day, meditating or practicing yoga postures, and really take care of your heart.

What is it longing for? Is it lost? When you are confused, listen to the inner voice, which is more intelligent than you think- 4 – yoga teaches us to take good care of our body.

A healthy body is the foundation.

No matter how good a life is, there is no health or happiness.

A healthy body is the foundation of everything.

No matter how busy you are, you should also take time to practice yoga.

Yoga makes you work more efficiently and live a happier life- 5 – yoga makes us better from the inside to the outside.

Yoga cultivates the mind internally and cultivates the body externally.

With a healthy body, tall and straight posture; With a soft heart and a broad mind.

When the body opens, the heart becomes happy.

When you are strong, you become confident.

No longer pursue asanas, just practice; No longer greedy for external materials, just try to live.

In this way, how can happiness not soar? In yoga, learn to love- There is a prize in the message – today’s topic: happiness burst after yoga ~ talk about your experience ~ welcome to leave a message.

Before 12:00 on April 1, we will select the most lucky Jiayou from the selected messages and send a new yoga mat (20 colors are optional) as shown in the figure below.

For those who have won the prize in the past, the prize will be automatically postponed to the next Jiayou ~..

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