New Yoga Life

Relax the spine and relieve back pain. Just practice these 7 yoga postures!

As the saying goes: “how flexible the spine is, how young a person is.”.

It can be seen that flexible spine is important to the body, but modern people sit for a long time and do not exercise, which can easily lead to spinal stiffness, even low back pain, affecting normal work and life.

Today, I recommend a set of Yoga sequence, which can effectively relax the spine and relieve back pain.

At the same time, it is also very effective to improve insomnia and relieve stress.

It is recommended to practice before going to bed every night.

01  .

Downward dog pose with feet hip width apart Keep your hands shoulder width apart and press the tiger’s mouth down Inhale, bend your knees slightly, exhale and straighten your legs slowly Stretch your back and your sitting bones up to the ceiling With breathing, dynamic exercise groups 5-8 02 Lie on your back with your knees bent and your heels close to your hips Lift your right leg up and put it on your left thigh Hold the back of your left thigh with both hands and abduct your right knee Exhale with your thighs against your abdomen and shoulders down Keep 5-8 breaths and Practice on the opposite side 03 Bend your knees and sit close to your hips Put your left foot on the outside of your right hip and your knee on the ground Put your right foot on the outside of your left thigh and press your hips evenly Inhale, lift your arms up and extend your side waist upward Exhale and twist your body to the left, with your right hand behind your hips Bend your left elbow against the outside of your right knee to deepen the twist Keep 5-8 breaths, restore and change the opposite side to practice 04 Lie on your stomach with your hands on your sides and your fingertips facing forward Elbows on the ground, parallel to each other, inhale and look up ahead Lift the chest up, retract the shoulder blades, and press the instep on the ground Keep 5-8 breaths and restore prone 05 Lie on your back, straighten your right leg forward, and push your heel and foot pillow far away Bend your left knee, cover the extension belt with the palm of your left foot, and grasp the extension belt with your hand Inhale, keep your legs vertical, exhale, and slowly straighten your knees Sink your shoulders down to the ground and move your left hip towards your right foot Keep 5-8 breaths and Practice on the opposite side 06 Lie on your back with your knees bent and your thighs close to your abdomen Put your hands around the back of your legs or thighs and press the sacrum to the ground Inhale and extend, exhale and pull your thighs toward your abdomen Relax your shoulders down and hold 5-8 breaths 07 Lie on your back with your legs straight forward and blanket your knees Keep your feet as wide as your hips, and keep your toes outside naturally Gently lift off your hips and slowly land towards your heels Put your hands on your sides, palms up Relax completely and close your eyes gently Feel the breath, clear away distractions, and keep it for 5-10 minutes (the content comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the creator.

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