New Yoga Life

The 8 most exciting moments of yoga, are you excited?

How many of the following 8 most exciting moments of yoga have you had ~? 01 the first time I accidentally unlocked a new pose, such as handstand without leaning against the wall, I was so happy that I wanted to fly up and tell the world.

02 I was praised by the teacher for the first time, “you did a great job!” The surface is calm and the heart is ecstatic.

The last time I was praised like this was when I went to school.

03 after the first class, I found that I didn’t look too good after the baptism of sweat.

When my posture became more and more tall and straight.

04 when one day you felt the relaxation of your mind and lightness, and it was windy to walk.

05 when your friends and family around you also began to practice yoga under your influence and felt the benefits of yoga.

06 when you walked down the street, someone asked, “do you practice yoga?” Yoga has been practiced for as long as I like a person, If you want to hide it, you can’t hide it.

07 when you close your eyes and put aside your miscellaneous worries, you can live in the present wholeheartedly.

08 buy good-looking yoga clothes, collect all kinds of colors, and the wardrobe is filled with yoga clothes.

The longer you practice yoga, the more you can realize that you will be satisfied after each yoga class.

You will be very happy to stand on the mat and practice.

Teacher wechat goes with you.

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