Zhao Yihuan, 34, wore yoga pants and lined up to do nucleic acid. He danced secretly for fear of being found. His movements were shy and

Guide: Zhao Yihuan, the goddess of otaku, danced in the boring queue, claiming to be a little ashamed! The young friends of the post-90s generation will not forget the former otaku goddess Zhao Yihuan after a long time.

In 2011, the non mainstream culture created by the post-90s generation has entered its final stage.

Zhao Yihuan, born in 1987, graduated from Xie Jin School of film and Television Arts of Shanghai Normal University and starred in the series of “adolescence”.

In that unforgettable summer vacation, he left a deep impression on the students all over the country.

The trilogy of adolescence is of average quality, but it has deep significance.

It has established Zhao Yihuan’s position in the eyes of a generation of audiences.

She is an eternal otaku goddess.

Since then, Zhao Yihuan has been working hard in the film and television industry, but his achievements are average.

Now 34, her exposure is quite limited, but as long as she appears, it can remind people of the green years.

On May 13, Zhao Yihuan updated his daily on his personal social account.

In the video, Zhao Yihuan, wearing yoga pants, tights, short hair shoulder length and a mask, stood in line in the crowd to do exercises.

Zhao Yihuan felt bored in the queue and suddenly danced, but he was afraid to be found by the people around him, so the range of action was very small, shy and lovely.

It’s obviously a sexy and charming action, but it’s wriggly, but it shows another wonderful feeling.

She teased herself.

It’s a little shameful to dance like this.

This woman knows how to hold the audience’s mind too well, which has never changed.

After so many years, Zhao Yihuan’s appearance has changed a lot, but she is not old.

The key is that her figure is not out of shape, but better.

This may be related to her long-term fitness.

Zhao Yihuan loves yoga pants, or tights.

On the one hand, tights can better highlight her figure, on the other hand, tights are convenient for fitness, and Zhao Yihuan’s biggest entertainment is fitness.

She often shows pictures of her fitness in her personal social account to show off her fitness achievements.

Over time, the audience has exhausted praise for her figure and will no longer force praise.

And like fitness, from her outgoing personality.

Zhao Yihuan is a cheerful and restless person.

In August last year, Zhao Yihuan obtained the aviation sports pilot’s license.

The Northeast girl also found a Taiwanese husband.

Zhao Yihuan’s boyfriend is Taiwanese artist Li Bern, six years older than her.

Zhao Yihuan introduced his boyfriend to fans and joked that he knelt down when I stared.

In addition to adolescence, I don’t know much about this girl, but I always feel that she doesn’t look like a person in the entertainment industry.

She looks more like a girl next door with a cheerful personality and no desire.

Zhao Yihuan was born in Jilin City, Jilin Province.

His family was not rich.

He was born with a good face.

Therefore, he was discovered by star scouts and made many advertisements to support himself and his family.

After 2011, Zhao Yihuan became popular with the “adolescence” series of films, but he was also criticized for being too brave to show his body.

After so many years, although it has never been abandoned by the film and television industry, it has always been unable to join the mainstream.

Recently, the reality theme legal drama “the law of women” starring Zhao Yihuan is on the air.

I don’t know if she can break through the barrier and find a new way this time.

Zhao Yihuan is suspected to live in Beijing.

The place where she lined up to do nucleic acid has a beautiful environment.

Scattered villas can be seen around.

It is probably a good community.

If Zhao Yihuan was a Houseman goddess ten years ago, she is more like a young lady now.

Also, ten years later, the times have changed dramatically.

The fans who once followed her have changed the world, and it’s time for her to change her title…

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