New Yoga Life

Bad shoulder and neck, aging women, 12 style shoulder and neck physiotherapy yoga!

Click “Yoga Slimming exercises” above to share 12 yoga poses below, which can relieve shoulder and neck muscle fatigue, stiffness and pain, help solve the problem of poor blood flow, protect your cervical spine and cure neck diseases.


Simple sitting posture comfortable sitting posture, spine extension, keep 5 deep breaths, and slowly enter the Yoga rhythm.


Simple sitting posture torsion also maintains a comfortable sitting posture and makes simple torsion.


The locust type variant lies prone with both hands on the back of the waist for 10 times, which can be repeated for several groups.


The combination of baby and cow, alternating 10 times.


Stand forward and bend your legs together and straighten, fold your body forward from your hips, and alternate for 5 times.


Triangle waist side bend, repeat 5 times on the left and right sides.


Vajra sitting variant 1 kneeling position, hands up, to hero sitting position, repeat 6-8 times.


Vajrayana variant 2 is the same as the above individual pose, repeated 6-8 times.


Sit and bend forward, with legs together and straight, leaning forward, repeat 6-8 times.


Bridge supine knee bending, lift the hip, do 15 times, can repeat several groups.


Lie on your back with your legs together, bend your legs to your chest, and repeat 15 times.


After finishing the posture above, keep the posture relaxed and rest for 3-6 minutes.

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