Breathing in Yoga of beautiful practice

The temperature in summer is getting higher and higher! It’s really a time for sweating yoga! Do you have time for exercise? Do you take care of your body and mind? My relatives know that guoxiaoyu loves yoga! Accompanied by yoga, Xiaoyu really grows better and better.

Yoga is not a pose.

There are many details in asana.

Breathing in yoga is also important.

Today, let’s talk about breathing.

One breath is the whole life.

Breathe in the future and breathe out the past.

Letting go is the hardest pose.

“Yoga is the journey of self, through self, to self.” — the breath of meihaosummer yoga in Bhagavad Gita is different from that in daily life.

Yoga breathing is a process of natural exchange between the human body and the outside world.

The breath emphasized by Yoga not only directly runs through the practice process of yoga posture, but also is an indispensable prerequisite and foundation for yoga meditation.

Meihaosummer I.

precautions for breathing (I) relax under correct guidance.

Unless required by practice, do not breathe in or out violently, and do not cause the feeling of suffocation.

(2) Please refer to all precautions in yoga asana, such as empty stomach, loose clothes, extreme edge, quiet and airy place, etc.

(here I share my daily practice skills: use the power and feeling of smelling the fragrance of flowers, deep, long and slow.

Lengthen the breath, inhale long, and exhale longer.) (3) In the practice of breathing method, you should always breathe with your nose unless otherwise specified in the skill.

(because the nose can not only filter dust, but also humidify and warm.

If you use the mouth, there is no filter.

The lungs are very delicate organs.) (4) You should master the different basic skills of yoga breathing and breathing.

(5) The best time to practice breathing is in the morning and evening.


Basic content of yoga breathing method the function of yoga breathing method is: it can balance the Yin and Yang of the human body; It can purify the blood, improve the circulatory system and calm the heart; It can massage the internal organs and promote digestion and absorption; It can regenerate the liver, spleen and pancreas, strengthen the abdominal muscles, and help maintain a healthy mental state.

(1) The basic form of respiratory movement: inhalation: when the human body inhales, the external air is sucked into the alveoli, the oxygen in the fresh air penetrates into the micro blood vessels in the alveoli, and the carbon dioxide in the alveoli is discharged into the alveoli at the same time.

Exhale: when exhaling, the diaphragm and respiratory muscles relax, and the expanded chest cavity will be recovered to its original position by elasticity.

The contraction generated during this period will exhale the carbon dioxide and residual gas in the alveoli out of the body.

Hold your breath (hold your breath): commonly known as hold your breath, it closes the valve by locking the throat, so that your breathing is in a standstill state.

Holding your breath is conducive to strengthening the support of your waist and abdomen, which is convenient for exerting strength and persistence in a short time.

Because yoga emphasizes breathing nature and the indivisibility of human Qi and natural Qi, this kind of breathing method is generally not used.

Hanging breath: many people equate hanging breath with holding breath, which is a serious mistake.

Although both breath suspension and breath holding are breath holding, there is a fundamental difference between them: the throat valve can be closed during breath holding, but the valve cannot be closed during breath suspension.

It just keeps the respiratory system in a static state and does not breathe or exhale, but the respiratory tract is unblocked.

There are two kinds of suspended breath: internal and external.

The suspended breath after inhalation is called internal suspended breath; After exhaling, the breath is suspended, which is called external suspension.

During suspension, the chest and abdomen are still relaxed and calm, and the respiratory muscles are temporarily at rest.

At this time, the body and mind will be in an abnormal tranquility, which is conducive to highly condensing or mobilizing attention in an instant.

Meihaosummer III.

common breathing methods 1 Abdominal breathing (diaphragmatic breathing) this is a simple and effective breathing exercise.

Starting from this breathing, we will slowly find some good and correct ways to live.

We breathe at the bottom of the lung.

We feel that the abdomen is only agitating, and the chest is relatively motionless.

Abdominal breathing is mainly to make full use of the function of the diaphragm, so it is also called diaphragmatic breathing.

The diaphragm is the muscular membrane tissue that separates the thorax and abdominal cavity.

It is umbrella shaped, convex and upward, and is placed inside the body to separate the thorax and abdominal cavity, and participates in the body’s respiratory activities.

When inhaling, the diaphragm descends and the chest cavity expands; When exhaling, the diaphragm returns to its original position and the chest cavity shrinks.

The diaphragm moves up and down with the movement of breathing, and can promote blood circulation and the movement of food in the intestinal tract.

The diaphragm is shaped like a bell jar and rises upward when it is still.

It is located between the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity and forms the bottom of the chest cavity.

When the diaphragm contracts, the center of the bulge moves down, thus increasing the upper and lower diameter of the chest cavity, increasing the volume of the chest cavity and lung, and generating inspiration.

The descending distance of the septum varied according to its contraction intensity.

When inhaling calmly, it moved down about 1 ~ 2cm; In deep breathing, it increased significantly.

Because the thorax is conical, its cross-sectional area is smaller in the upper part and significantly larger in the lower part.

Therefore, a slight decrease in the transverse septum can greatly increase the volume of the thorax.

It is estimated that during calm breathing, the increased chest volume due to the contraction of the septal muscle is equivalent to 4/5 of the total ventilation, so the relaxation and contraction of the septal muscle plays an important role in lung ventilation.

The contraction of the diaphragm and the downward movement of the diaphragm make the organs in the abdominal cavity protrude due to compression.

When the diaphragm relaxes, the abdominal viscera return to their original state.

Therefore, the respiratory movement caused by the relaxation of the diaphragm is accompanied by the fluctuation of the abdominal wall, so it is called abdominal breathing.

You can start this exercise by choosing mountain stance, any yoga sitting position or supine relaxation.

(1) Please put your hands on your navel without pressure.

When inhaling, the lower abdomen bulges and both arms are lifted by the lower abdomen.

(2) Lower abdomen falls back on exhalation..

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