New Yoga Life

What is the difference between yoga Nidra and guided meditation?

What is yoga Nidra? Nidra comes from Sanskrit and means sleep or deep sleep.

This is a meditation and relaxation exercise designed to bring the body into a state of complete physical, mental and emotional rest.

This deep and conscious relaxation can promote the recovery of physical and mental decompression.

However, due to its “Drowsy” and meditative state, there are still many misunderstandings about this special yoga practice.

How do you determine whether what you hear and read is true or false? Here are some answers to Nidra’s frequently asked questions.

What is the difference between yoga Nidra and guided meditation? The first thing I want to say is that we can only guide people to focus.

If there is emotional, psychological and physical preparation, meditation will occur.

Having said that, there is a huge difference between meditation and yoga Nidra for many reasons: in meditation, you try to raise the dormant energy to a higher energy center by collecting scattered spiritual fragments.

However, in yoga Nidra, all possible energy and mental states are completely disappeared.

It is a common misunderstanding to classify yoga Nidra as a kind of meditation.

For meditation, it is important to keep the spine upright and increase the energy of the body.

In contrast, the common postures of yoga Nidra are supine and relaxation.

Meditation begins with concentration, yoga Nidra begins with relaxation.

Practicing meditation is to master the mind.

On the other hand, yoga Nidra is used to reveal the state of consciousness that controls the mind itself.

Is there a “best time” to practice Nidra? At the beginning, it would be great if you could practice when you feel most inspired, or when you can take time out of the day to practice.

However, if you want to benefit from your body’s circadian rhythm, it is best to practice when you wake up or just before going to bed.

Both of these are the best times to enter the unconscious through the subconscious field.

It is important not to practice Nidra when you are tired.

If you end up tired from practice, you’re likely to fall asleep.

That’s not the goal.

Nidra is not an exercise designed to relieve fatigue.

If you are trying to cope with fatigue or insomnia, it is best to practice relaxation or horizontal.

Do you have to practice asana before Nidra? It really depends on.

If a person can remain alert without experiencing roughness, tension, uneasiness, pain, discomfort, trembling, sleepiness, dullness, absentmindedness, etc., there is no need for pre asana practice at all.

As far as yoga Nidra is concerned, I attach great importance to pre – and post practice.

It really needs steady preparation, because we are not born ready to practice so deeply.

We must build a certain physical, mental, emotional and energetic appetite for them.

What is the real origin of yoganidra? To be fair, it is hard to say what the real origin is.

As a beginning, I can point out the oldest text, called Rigveda.

It talks about the glory of the night in ratrisuktam.

In this article, yoga Nidra is regarded as a goddess.

What do you think is the most important thing about yoga Nidra practice? It is important to know what you are doing before you start.

One misunderstanding can easily lead to another.

Besides, it is very difficult to forget what you have learned.

It is important to pay attention to the source you are learning, whether it is people, text, video, audio or applications.

The best way to practice is to learn from those who practice yoga NIRA.

Don’t focus all your attention on learning technology.

After all, knowledge is the most delicate food.

If you pay attention to what you eat, you must also pay attention to what you learn and who you learn.

The yoga Nidra exercise is an incredible tool to integrate your mind and body.

Take time to digest what you have learned and continue to learn with the truest and most sincere desire to grow up.

Learn about Nidra’s history, origins, benefits and more in this informative and unique opportunity- Namaste yogacare brings Yoga back to * * purity, simplicity and unity of body and mind * *..

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