New Yoga Life

Yoga wrist pain? That’s because you’re missing these steps

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Sometimes there is wrist pain when practicing yoga.

In addition to incorrect exertion, there is also a very important point that there is no warm-up to share a set of flexible wrist warm-up exercises, which can also strengthen the wrist strength.

It is recommended to keep practicing yoga for 3-5 times a week.

01 keep your right arm straight forward, palm facing inner fingertip upward, hold the outer finger of your right hand with your left hand to relax, and pull your left hand back to the body to feel the extension of your right wrist, Keep 8 breaths and gradually deepen the pressure.

Repeat on the opposite side.

02 stretch the right arm forward with the fingers facing down and the palm facing inward.

Hold the right palm from the outside with the left hand, gently pull it inward to keep 8 breaths and slowly deepen it.

Change the opposite side.

03 stretch the right arm forward and push it out with the palm facing outward.

Bend the left wrist with the fingertip looking for the sky flower board.

The left hand gently pulls the right fingertip back to keep 8 breaths and slowly deepen it.

Change the opposite side.

04 stretch the right arm forward with the palm facing down, With the fingertips facing down, the left hand gently pulls the fingertips back to maintain 8 breaths, slowly deepens, changes the opposite side 05 arm, straightens it after the back ten fingers are buckled, slowly lifts the arm upward, moves away from the hips and shoulders, actively sinks, maintains 8 breaths, then loosens and opens the lower wrists, repeats 5 groups 06 bending the elbows, palms close together in front of the chest, palms push each other, palms do not separate to maintain 8 breaths, repeats 5 groups 07 hands close together, Fingertips down as far as possible, raise your forearm and keep your fingertips down, keep 8 breaths repeat 5 groups 08 kneeling and standing, sit your hips back on your heels, straighten your arms in front of your knees, keep your arms down and palms up, keep 8 breaths repeat 5 groups 09 kneeling and standing, sit your hips back on your heels, put your palms down on your knees, keep your arms on both sides of your knees straight, slowly lean forward and relax after 8 breaths, repeat 5 groups 10 kneeling and standing, Sit your hips back on your heels, put your palms beside your knees, and slowly roll your body to the right with your fingertips to the side.

Put the pressure on your right wrist to keep 8 breaths, and then practice on the opposite side.

Repeat for 5 groups.

In order to maintain the health and flexibility of your wrists, it is recommended to extend your wrists frequently.

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