New Yoga Life

Yogi’s Earth theory, Keju pixun Volume 40 (3)

Chen 5.

Happy karma in all sentient and all good karma in the ten realms.

Rejoice with victory and speak with pure faith.

[from the ten realms to those who are happy to speak: it means that in the ten realms, there are an infinite number of sentient people.

There are 62 kinds of differences that can be obtained.

It is called all sentient people.

If the world is born with the three blessings of giving, precepts, and Cultivation, it is called all the blessings.

Increasing happiness, scenic spots, and pleasures, from the place of practice to the place of practice.

What is this cloud? It means that the pure faith is the first, choosing the Dharma is the first, and all the dharmas are determined by the interpretation of dharmas.

It is called Bodhisattva increasing happiness That’s why we talk about net confidence.

The Bodhisattva will be able to feel the fruits of all his feelings and all his blessings.

He will respond to them, comfort and rejoice.

He will set up comforting words and joyful words, or call them praise and praise again.

This is a famous speech and rejoice.] Chen VI.

endure all the violations he has made, and think about choosing peace and tolerance.

[in all the violations he has made, the ninja of choice: in all his body language and meaning karma, if he beats, if he curses, if he hates, if he teases, if he cheats, and even all the other things that can make him angry, it is called all violations.

The ninja of choice: he only practices the Dharma, and there are no self, sentient, ordered, or living people.

He can swear, hate, beat, tease, cheats, or scold, hate, beat, tease, cheats.

It is called the idea of following the Dharma.

If so, or he will resume his study camp Be kind, capricious, bitter, and receptive.

Therefore, we can bear all violations.

When it is tolerable, it has no intention of variation or contamination, so it is called Anren.] Zen III.

victory leads to three Chenyi.

Turn back to Bodhi, who has made all good roots in body language, but has not made all good roots, and turn back to the supreme and just Bodhi, [the supreme Bodhi who has made all good roots by body language but has not made all good roots: among them, the good roots are the five and three no leaks of faith.

In the absence of leaks, it is unknown to know the root.

It is called not making, and the seed without leaks has not given birth to the existing reason.

Since the root is known, it is called making, and the seed without leaks has become the existing reason.

The Bodhisattva initially issued the righteous wish to prove that the supreme Bodhi can make all righteousness and benefits with love.

Once the mind has been made to rely on, to live, and to accumulate all good by body language and will, all things have not been done and done All good roots are the food for the supreme Bodhi.

If you can keep away from the evil nature of being greedy for all things and money, you are called the supreme Bodhi.

You can get the name from the first positive wish without abandoning it.] Always initiate various positive wishes.

[those who constantly initiate various righteous vows: there are five kinds of Bodhisattva righteous vows.

One is to make a wish, two is to receive life, three is to make a wish, four is to make a wish, and five is to make a great wish.

As the Bodhisattva has amended the wish, it is explained in the revised wish.

(Volume 45, page 16 of the book of mausoleum 3657) this saying that Bodhisattva has already made a wish, and has always issued the remaining wish is called initiating various righteous vows.] Chen II.

Provide Sanbao with all kinds of wonderful offerings for Buddhists and Buddhists.

[offering all kinds of exquisite offerings to Buddhists and Buddhists: it means that the six kinds of exquisite offerings are used to increase the happiness of Buddhists and Buddhists.

According to their needs, they offer such treasures as shimoni, Zhenzhu, glass, Luobei, Biyu, coral, trifoliate, agate, amber, gold and silver, red beads, dextrorotatus, or other solemn offerings such as shimoni, HuanChuan, Baoxi, seals, and even all kinds of precious bells, or scattered treasures, or wrapped with precious strands.

This is the name of all kinds of exquisite offerings For Buddhists and Buddhists.] Chen III.

cultivate all kinds of good products.

Always be brave and diligent.

[those who constantly, bravely and painstakingly practice all kinds of good things: the good things are the methods of determining the types of things they have taken.

What is the answer? That is, the differences between the methods taken at the place of nurturing and determining the resources and food, and even at the place of cultivating the intention of the work.

They are widely explained in the world.

(Volume 30, page 2498 of the book of Mausoleum) There is only good in the fixed place, and the Dharma captured by him gets the name of good.

His heart is courageous, and he can absorb countless good dharmas.

He is known for his diligence.

It is called constancy because of its long-term and continuous practice.

It is called brave because it has no cowardice or retreat.

Practice means to be able to practice.

It means that good things can be achieved freely.

Practice is called practice and practice, which means that all good things come into being and practice.

This is like the alternative theory.

(Volume 67, page 2, tomb edition 5316)].

[a person who does not let go of his or her body language and meaning: he or she practices all kinds of good things and is not well protected.

This is called not letting go of his or her ease.

Here are five branches that are taken to keep his or her ease.

They are explained as follows.

To calm his or her mind, it is called living.] In all schools, mindfulness and awareness.

[those who practice mindfulness and mindfulness in various schools: that is to say, they have heard that Bodhisattvas have always hidden and explained, which is the body nature of Bodhisattvas’ schools.

In this practice, they integrate ideas, so that there is no forgetting.

By holding on to ideas, knowledge is not reversed, and bodhisattvas can judge the essence of thinking: This is what Bodhisattvas should do, and this is not what Bodhisattvas should do, or even what they should do.

It is called mindfulness and mindfulness.] Forward defense, close the root gate.

[defending the secret root protection gate: it means that the eye root law instrument and even the mind root law instrument can practice correctly without falling into miscellaneous contamination.

If the eye root and even the mind root can be well protected without taking advantage of each other, it is called defending.

When we know this, doing well means that we should not be in the process of learning the law.

Defending means that we should be in the process of learning the law.

Both the non strategy and the strategy can make our hearts free from miscellaneous contamination.

This is the general name of the secret root protection gate.

This is what we heard.

(Volume 23, page 3, 1949)] in food knowledge.

[the person who knows the amount of food: it means that he is thinking about choosing what to eat, and even living in peace and quiet for the sake of keeping healthy and happy.

He has heard that his appearance is widely explained in the earth.

(Volume 21, page 7, tomb volume 1836)] after the first night, he often practices enlightenment.

[those who often practice enlightenment after the first night: among the four minutes of the night, the first minute after the first day is called the first night; the next minute is called the second night.

As we have heard of the Dharma, the first night after the first night is called the constant cultivation enlightenment.

This is like the sound and the earth.

(Volume 24, page 2003 of the book of Mausoleum)] welcome to join us in doing good every day, being good, upward, and being bright!..

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