New Yoga Life

10 simple yoga inverted three-dimensional practice at home, the more you practice, the younger you are!

As we all know, handstand has many advantages.

Adhering to regular and correct practice can not only promote blood circulation, strengthen the body, but also resist gravity and delay aging…

Don’t have too many advantages! However, although handstand is good, it is difficult for beginners.

So, today I will share with you 10 simple semi inverted poses.

The action is not difficult, but it has the same effect as handstand.

Let’s try it together! 1.

Stand in the mountain bending posture, with feet separated by the same width as the hips, inhale, lift your arms in front of you, extend your side waist, exhale, straight back forward and downward, bend your hands forward and backward around your calves, exhale with your shoulders away from your ears, find your thighs in your abdomen, deepen your forward bending and maintain 5-8 breaths, and slowly restore the mountain posture.


Stand in the mountain bending posture with two corners, with your feet separated by about one leg, inhale, extend your spine, exhale, bend forward, tighten and lift up the inner thighs, Naturally relax your head, cross your fingers behind your hands, look down to the floor and keep 5-8 breaths.

Restore 3.

Downward dog pose, bend forward from the hero, inhale and raise your head, hook your toes back and exhale, push your hand to the ground, move your weight back to downward dog pose, compress the ground at the mouth of the tiger, extend your back, push your sitting bones back to the upper thigh roots, straighten your legs, and step on your head with your heels downward to naturally relax, and keep 8-10 breaths.


Enter single leg downward dog pose from downward dog pose, Inhale, lift your left leg up, push the inside of your heel toward the ceiling, straighten your legs, and distribute your weight evenly on your hands.

Don’t turn your hips, lift the inside of your thighs up, keep 5-8 breaths, restore the downward dog pose, and repeat the exercise on the opposite side.


Dolphin four corner kneeling posture, exhale with your elbows on the ground, hook your toes back, lift your sitting bones up, and extend your back upward.

Push your legs back and straighten your legs, walk your feet forward as far as possible, and keep your shoulders away from your ears.

6 Half handed handstand, hands one leg long from the wall, separated from the shoulder width, arms vertical to the ground, back up straight, feet push the wall, lift up to hip height, legs straight, groin up, abdomen adduction, eyes on the ground, maintain 5-8 breaths.

7, small bridge supine, bend knees, heels close to hips, feet the same width as hips, hands on both sides of the body inhale and extend, exhale and lift hips up, arms down, chest open, Shoulder sinking, keep 5-8 breaths, restore 8.

Lie on your back with your arms on your side, inhale with your legs together, lift your legs up, exhale perpendicular to the ground, keep your legs up and backward, naturally lift your hips, keep your torso vertical to the ground, extend your spine, lift your sitting bones, straighten your legs, point your toes on the ground, keep your hands clasped with your fingers for 5-8 breaths, untie your hands, restore 9.

Lie on your back in happy baby style, bend your knees, thighs close to your abdomen, knees apart, Grasp the soles of your feet with both hands, inhale and extend, exhale, practice downward, find the ground, relax your shoulders, and keep 5-8 breaths.


Lie on your back with your legs and hips against the wall, adjust your body position, put your hands on both sides of the body, palm up, shoulders relaxed.

If your back is tight, you can put the pillow under your hips to keep a steady breath, adhere to at least 1-3 minutes, bend your knees when restoring, turn your body to one side, and sit up * Disclaimer: we respect the original, Also pay attention to sharing.

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