New Yoga Life

84000 yoga poses? In fact, mastering these eight categories is enough!

In some classical yoga books, there are 84000 yoga postures, and this is only a rough idea.

Of course, don’t be frightened by this huge number.

In the final analysis, it’s enough for you to understand that Yoga asanas are divided into these eight categories.

Sitting posture, kneeling posture, forward bending, backward bending, side bending, torsion, balance and handstand.

Because of the different yoga postures, the effects are also different, and the feelings brought by different postures are also different, so today I will share these eight categories of yoga with you.


The common Yoga sitting postures of sitting posture are: simple sitting, auspicious sitting, supreme sitting, semi lotus, full lotus and so on.

Basically, there are some yoga meditation postures.

Sitting postures should also maintain awareness, relax, but not completely relax, and keep your back straight.

In this way, the breath can flow downstream through the meridians, strengthen the nerves in the lumbar and sacral regions, and let the body’s energy converge in the pelvic region.


The common Yoga kneeling postures of kneeling posture are: King Kong kneeling, hero sitting, cat cow style, camel style, crescent style, etc.

When practicing yoga kneeling pose, you must pay attention to protect your knees.

If your knees feel uncomfortable, you must make adjustments.

You can put a blanket under your knee, or put a towel in the knee socket to increase space.


The common yoga postures of forward bending are: standing forward bending, sitting forward bending, strengthening side extension, double angle posture, standing single leg forward bending, head touching knee posture, etc.

In the forward bending posture, we should pay attention to folding from the hips, really starting the core and maintaining the extension of the spine.

The focus is not on the hand on the ground, but on the extension of the spine, with the chest looking towards the thigh.

Maintaining stability and calm in the forward bending pose can bring focused strength and inner surrender.


The common yoga postures of backward bending are: wheel pose, dove pose, King dance pose, locust pose, bow pose, camel pose and so on.

What we should pay attention to in the backward bending posture is that the front side of the whole body (chest, thigh, calf) is required to be opened at a high point, and the most important point is to open the chest and start backward bending from the thoracic vertebra.

In the backward bending posture, we can open our chest well, bid farewell to negative emotions, improve the bad posture such as round shoulders and hunchbacks, and make us more confident.


The common Yoga side bending postures of side bending are: triangle, side angle, latch, sitting posture, side bending, etc.

what we should pay attention to in the side bending postures is to start the strength of the legs, align the hips, and extend the chest well.

In the side bending posture, it can reduce the excess fat of the waist, beautify the waist line, increase the elasticity of the spine and flexible shoulders.


The common Yoga torsion postures of torsion are: kneeling spine torsion, sitting spine torsion and supine spine torsion, balavaga type, maliqi type, three types, etc.

Twisting posture should be coordinated with breathing, inhaling, extending, exhaling, deepening and twisting.

Twisting posture is a massage for the spine, which can alleviate the discomfort of the waist and back, make the spine more flexible, and also promote digestion.


The common yoga balance postures of balance class include: tree pose, Eagle pose, warrior pose, cross balance pose, half moon pose, etc.

the balance postures should pay attention to establishing the foundation, increasing the leg and core strength, and psychological stability.

Balanced asana can make you feel elegant and stable.

When your foundation is stable, the latter asana can be done well.


The common Yoga inverted pose of handstand includes: shoulder handstand, head handstand, elbow handstand, hand handstand, etc.

what we should pay attention to in inverted pose is that the strength of the core, shoulders, back and limbs is very important, which is the key to whether you can do handstand.

Secondly, to master the skills of handstand, we must practice step by step to avoid injury.

Handstand is the king of asana, and its benefits are well known, such as allowing blood to flow back, nourishing facial skin, and delaying aging.

Although there are many yoga postures, you can master these eight categories to get a standing posture: establish a basic kneeling posture: humble and stable forward bending: create space backward bending: open your chest and side bending: side waist isometric torsion: pelvis neutral handstand: confidence support balance: elegant and stable pictures and texts come from the Internet, copyright belongs to the original author, infringement must be deleted, lock the live studio – famous teachers accompany you to practice every day!..

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