Holistic Yoga: looking at the evolution journey in a fast forward way (Part 1)

“Holistic yoga” Introduction holistic yoga, also known as supramental yoga, was created by Sri orobindo (oshi for short) and Mina alfasa (also known as mother, and oshi for double saints).

His philosophical concept and practice are mostly contained in Aoshi’s “holistic yoga” and “holy life theory”, and the concept of holistic yoga is also put forward in other works of double saints.

Holistic yoga is to transform human beings’ shallow, narrow and fragmented ways of thinking, observation and feeling, and develop broad and profound spiritual consciousness.

This process is not only the leap from the consciousness of the material world to the divine consciousness, but also brings the super mental intelligence from the divine consciousness into the mind, life and body of the ego, so that the latter can be transformed and the divinity can be revealed, so as to realize the divine life in the material world.

The practice of holistic yoga is not through mental cognition or external forms such as meditation and chanting, but in desire, internal and external concentration, and open to the divine power above us and its operation.

Connect your consciousness with God and call on him to transform all our beings.

Only with faith, desire and submission, can self opening come.

△ mother and orobindo’s video series “see the journey of evolution in a fast forward way” was produced by residents of dawn village in India, which completely introduces the holistic Yoga created by orobindo and mother.

Through 3D animation, the video clearly depicts the current crisis facing mankind and the next evolution direction.

Part1 ideas and works of Aurobindo and his mother this video introduces the great crisis facing mankind at present and the direction of next evolution.

In 1914, the Indian sage Aurobindo wrote: now mankind is experiencing an evolutionary crisis, in which its destiny choice is hidden.

Human beings have reached such a stage that the mind has made great achievements in some fields, but in other areas it has stagnated, full of confusion, and can no longer find a way forward.

Look at this meditator, he is lost in his mind.

This is the great crisis facing mankind today.

Reason and science can only make material life conform to unified standards by means of artificial arrangement and mechanization.

Problems arising from thinking cannot be solved by more thinking.

It is in the inner silence that a greater consciousness emerges at dawn.

Compared with the spiritual creation power of the sun, human knowledge is as weak as a candle on a dim altar.

This spiritual solar creation energy began to dawn on the earth, which is the next evolution direction of the earth.

The crisis facing mankind is the hidden plot in the process of emergence.

Orobindo called this great consciousness supreme.

The essential and fundamental importance of this core fact of evolution lies in that it is not the progress and perfection of the external world and practical tools, but the evolution and perfection of internal consciousness.

Reason is not the end of the world, and intelligent animals are not the highest form of nature.

Humans manifest from animals, and similarly, superhumans manifest from humans.

Next, from human to superhuman is the next achievement of earth evolution, and we are approaching in this direction.

This process is inevitable, because it is both the inner spiritual aspiration and the law of natural development.

The soul is completely revealed, and the natural light and spiritual power come completely.

Next, spiritual supramental and supernatural forces will replace or transform and elevate our deficient physical and mental nature.

Only in this way can we have an impact on this evolutionary miracle.

Aurobindo and his mother call this process of transformation holistic yoga.

Vedic masters in ancient India have long known the truth of the evolution of consciousness.

The soul underwent different life forms in many reincarnations, until it degenerated into a human form.

This form has the ability to leap to a greater Ideology – people knew this evolutionary journey at that time.

They have explored the universal consciousness and the super mental and spiritual creation power of the sun.

But since the Buddhist thought appeared on the earth, this cognition has disappeared for a thousand years.

People increasingly believe that living on earth is suffering, and later even regard life as an illusion, also known as Maya (Note: Maya, derived from Sanskrit, has multiple meanings, the most important meaning is illusion, which is an important part of Indian religion and Philosophy).

The meaning of life degenerates to just want to jump out of the wheel of karma and reincarnation.

Spiritual life is divorced from reality and rejects the material world, missing the intention of evolution and the possibility of realizing divine life on earth.

Spiritual exploration becomes a refuge from the world without making a difference.

The seeker of truth deviates from the material reality.

As a nation, India lost its vitality, leading to the invasion of foreign forces and the decline of India.

While India was sleeping, science and materialism began to prevail in the western world.

Using rational, mathematical, objective and demonstrable methods, science successfully overthrew the religious superstition and oppression of medieval European Christianity, and opened the door to a new truth.

This truth is rooted in verifiable information directly perceived by the senses.

About science, Obindo wrote in his epic masterpiece Savitri: “I have drawn a map of the sky, analyzed the stars, described their trajectories in space, measured the distance between them and the sun, and calculated the time limit of their existence.

I dived deep into the interior of the earth and struggled to tear out the richness protected by her dark brown soil.

In the evolutionary tree I described, every branch, bud, leaf has its own position.

I traced the form from the embryo The history of state evolution, everything that has passed has been deceived into genealogy by me.

I detect haemoplasma, cells and genes.

Trace the primitive humble origin of human ancestors from single celled organisms.

I know how humans are born and how they die..

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