New Yoga Life

Several yoga moves refine the collarbone and have perfect shoulder lines

What is trapezius muscle? Trapezius muscle is the surface muscle located in the upper back and middle back.

It is located under the skin of the neck and back.

One side is triangular, and the left and right sides form an oblique square.

It is a muscle that is often overused, especially in the era of intelligence, which has increased its “burden”.

Some people’s trapezius choose to bear in obscurity (physiological compensation), while others choose to retaliate, making you pay the price of pain (pathological compensation).

Why does the trapezius muscle protrude? ① Keep the wrong posture for a long time.

When you look at the mobile phone with your head down, your neck will actually bear a certain amount of pressure.

The longer you look at the mobile phone with your head down, the greater the pressure on your neck.

Some people also like to stretch their necks forward for office and classes.

The more their heads stretch forward, the greater the pressure on their shoulders and necks.

Such long-term accumulation will lengthen the muscles of our back, and the middle and lower trapezius muscles will be passively stretched like an elastic band and lose elasticity, while the neck and shoulder muscles will be very tense and “exercised” large and hard.

When we return to normal living conditions again, the lower and middle muscles will naturally relax, In “long and weak” “In this state, the upper trapezius muscle will be in a tense state for a long time, so your trapezius muscle will be particularly prominent.

In addition, the weakness of the lower trapezius muscle will also lead to the valgus of the scapula, which is often referred to as the winglike scapula.

The scapula is the main link connecting the neck, chest and back, and 16 muscles are attached to it.

② incorrect exertion of force will also cause the trapezius muscle to develop.

When some girls are lifting heavy objects, they Due to the small strength of the arm and the fact that the trapezius muscle is a very active muscle, the trapezius muscle will exert force instead.

The trapezius muscle is exercised silently in this way.

You should also pay attention to this when exercising.

It is likely that you originally wanted to eliminate the trapezius muscle through fitness, but if you don’t pay attention to exerting force, you will practice more and more seriously.

How to eliminate trapezius muscle? Knowing the cause of the trapezius muscle, we can suit the remedy to the case.

The first is to pay attention to your posture when working and playing with your mobile phone.

You should properly raise your mobile phone and computer and look straight at them.

Secondly, whether you are carrying heavy objects or exercising, you should pay attention to the power generating part, focus on exercising the trapezius muscle in the middle and lower parts, and pay attention to relaxing the upper trapezius muscle after the training.

01 Yoga stretching posture Cobra prone on the mat, legs straight, feet shoulder width, instep close to the ground, hands naturally on both sides of the body, forehead point, hands on both sides of the chest, elbows clip, inhale, thigh muscles tighten, instep pressure, exhale, head lead the neck, chest, abdominal spine forward and upward extension, hands slowly straighten, hips relax, and then repeat this action.

Cat cow quadrangle bench posture, knees directly below the hips, elbows directly below the shoulders, wrists and elbows in a straight line.

Inhale, lift your sitting bones, raise your head and expand your chest, extend your spine and hips to both ends, slightly retract your abdomen, exhale, bow your head and arch your back, and look at your navel.

Repeat this process.

Relax the tense muscles, relax the trapezius muscle, find its pain points, and then solve them one by one.

Don’t forget to relax the “good muscle friend” of the trapezius muscle – the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

They are like a triangle support.

If the trapezius muscle is lengthened, the sternocleidomastoid muscle will be shortened.

Finally, relax the chest muscles that cause you to round your shoulders, as well as the important scalene muscles in your neck.

03 adjust breathing abdominal breathing is the most natural and effective way of breathing.

Yoga’s abdominal breathing method can wake up every cell of the body and transfer the energy in oxygen to them to maintain vitality.

Through the large-scale up and down movement of the diaphragm, massage the internal organs, speed up the discharge of accumulated waste in the body, purify the internal environment from inside to outside, and cooperate with yoga posture to achieve the purpose of “internal movement of the body”.

Abdominal breathing practice: take a supine or comfortable meditation sitting position, relax the whole body, observe natural breathing for a period of time, put your right hand on the belly button and your left hand on the chest.

When inhaling, expand your abdomen outward as much as possible and keep your chest still.

When exhaling, contract your abdomen inward as much as possible and keep your chest still.

Cycle and keep the same rhythm of each breath.

Carefully experience the belly falling together.

After a period of practice, you can take your hands away and just pay attention to the breathing process with consciousness.

Strengthen weak muscles, pay attention to daily habits, and persistent efforts will bring real changes.

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