New Yoga Life

Six yoga exercises to regulate mood, wake up the body and start a beautiful day!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Summer weather is hot, often the heart is agitated, restless, restless how to do? Try these 6 asanas to find inner peace and awaken the energy of the body.

Today, I recommend a set of morning yoga practice sequence to help you wake up your sleeping body! 01.

Sit up and regulate your breath Easy sitting and standing on yoga mat Shoulders relaxed and spine extended Close your eyes slightly and stay for 3 minutes 02.

Sit and stand and stretch Maintain a simple sitting position and extend the spine Inhale and place your right hand next to your hips Exhale and bend your left hand up and right Change sides after 8 breaths 03.

Sit, stand and twist Maintain a simple sitting position with the spine extended Inhale and place your right hand behind your body Exhale and twist to the right After 8 breaths, change sides 04 and ox face hands Twist back from sitting and stand, hands up Bend your right elbow up and your left elbow down Keep your shoulders relaxed and your ribs in Stop for 8 breaths and exchange hands 05.

Cat cow pose Turn into the kneeling position and come to the bull cat pose Inhale, raise your head and extend your spine upward Exhale, bow your head with your chest and back Core micro retraction, stay for 8-10 breaths 06, latch type After exiting the cat and bull pose, kneel down on both knees Keep your left knee unintelligible and your right leg straight Inhale, left hand up, right hand on right leg Exhale and feel the side waist stretch Stop for 8 breaths and switch to the other side.

After you’ve seen everything, you can take a look before you go 👍。.

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