New Yoga Life

The opening of “maternity training” in yoga industry stunned yoga teachers. Is this the standard I can participate in?

Maternity Yoga is not anyone’s patent.

She can do it, and he can break the “face”.

You are better than yourself in imagination.

You can develop in multiple ways, break the boundaries, specialize in multiple abilities, and work hard in linkage services, just for more integrity and luck.

Because it is rare, it is particularly precious.

After waiting for 6 months, you can finally meet.

56 students, get together to study, let the dream shine! The power of knowledge can transcend the shackles of time and space, break stereotypes, and penetrate into everyone’s heart.

Whose exclusive is Maternity Yoga? He, a male teacher of physiotherapy, said, “I used to be a teacher of physiotherapy.

Now many members have the need of postpartum repair, but the traditional idea of physiotherapy can’t meet their needs of repairing pelvic floor muscles and rectus abdominis muscles.”.

Two days ago, another pregnant mother came to me and said that she had sacroiliac pain and wanted to take my class, but I couldn’t, and I didn’t dare to teach indiscriminately, so I came to learn pregnancy and childbirth from teacher Wang Xin.

“Question: will it affect your yoga teaching because of gender?” No, why can’t male teachers learn pregnancy and childbirth? It’s normal.

For better teaching, I love my career, What’s more, I have a major.

“She, a mother two months after childbirth, said “I simply love yoga, and I also love teacher Wang Xin, because after listening to her online video, I solved the problem of the baby’s umbilical cord around the neck, that is, conviction and trust.

My mother and I have paid attention to teacher Wang Xin for four years.

She went to Shandong to teach several classes, and everyone is recommending me to learn from her.

Now I am two months postpartum, and I can first carry out self postpartum repair after learning it.

I am an example, and then go to help more people.” ask: “Your child is still so young, so you can take it out to study with you? Your enthusiasm and courage for learning really make us admire” “I don’t want to wait any longer.

Learning itself is to overcome difficulties, but learning good things is the happiest.

You see how cooperative my baby is, this is teaching by example.” she, a senior nurse who has worked in clinical practice for 20 years, “There are too many mothers with gestational diabetes now, so I have to cooperate with exercise and nutrition management at the same time, so I want to learn pregnancy yoga to help pregnant mothers do a good job in weight management and improve the natural birth rate.

Now there are more and more elderly mothers, and pregnancy just gives them a chance to” indulge “in eating and drinking, but if the mother is a sugar mother, the baby is a sugar baby, which has a lifelong impact on the child.”.

Q: “is the maternity movement of great help to your clinical work?” It’s too big.

The effect of sugar control exercise is very good.

The pregnant mothers I instructed finally managed to control sugar.

But I also want to systematically learn pregnancy and childbirth sports, because it is not only this aspect that bothers my mother, but also fetal position, pain, etc.

I have practiced with me since pregnancy, and I will continue to come back after childbirth, and continue to do some pelvic floor muscles, rectus abdominis and other repairs.

” She, a 19 week pregnant mother, Said: “I’m a mother of three babies.

I’ll cherish this pregnancy opportunity, learn Maternity Yoga, and benefit myself.

I can also give my child a unique Memorial.

I have my own yoga studio and have many special classes.

Now I learn Maternity Yoga, and our category is complete.

From pregnancy preparation, pregnancy, postpartum repair, women’s shaping, etc., women’s full life cycle services, resources will not be lost, and one-stop services.” asked: “How many years have you been a librarian? Is there anything you can share with us?” “Now the members are not easy to serve, and the teachers in the library also need to be managed.

As a curator, you must know enough professional knowledge and understand the latest trends in the market and industry in order to make an overall development.

So I have considered pregnancy and childbirth for a long time, and you are pregnant if I can achieve one-stop pregnancy preparation, pregnancy, delivery, postpartum repair and shaping.

But I came late, and I was ready to come in 19 years, but the second child was delayed So the market has been preempted.

If only I could study earlier “There are also many of them.

They meet again after a long separation because of the same dream.

In the hot summer, they release their passion and ignite new strength.

Maternity Yoga is undefined, unbound, and regardless of the public needs of age and gender.

It is not exclusive to anyone, but a necessity for everyone who pursues progress and difference.


Break the tradition and stick to one pattern.

What do you think Maternity Yoga looks like? It is a rigorous life Understand dissection, add silent yoga asana, add contractive breathing adjustment, and add smart techniques? No, these are not enough! There are many ways of Maternity Yoga.

She not only has the relaxation of yoga, the accuracy and efficiency of Pilates, the rigor of medicine, and the details of anatomy, but also can teach you how to have a heart that truly understands the needs of members and a pair of skillful hands to repair all kinds of problems.

For example, preparing for pregnancy, is it really OK to practice Yoga asanas? There are seven factors that affect the success of pregnancy preparation.

As a professional maternity teacher, we should have the ability to help members harmonize the relationship between husband and wife, adjust the body, give nutritional advice, and so on, which will be available in the classroom.

For another example, pregnant mothers, 80% of their wish is to have a natural birth.

To have a baby with both blessing and wisdom, we must understand the six key factors of natural birth! Help members do a good job in weight management, stabilize the pelvis, make it have a smooth birth canal, and adjust the fetal position.

At the same time, from the beginning of pregnancy, take members to do a good job in fertility training, emotional guidance, family cooperation, medical evaluation, etc.

In order to meet the needs of members, we need to master more than just a few actions..

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