New Yoga Life

What will people who practice yoga for a long time look like?

Why do you want to practice yoga? Yoga, ‭‮ half one ‬ is life, half philosophy, half posture, half one ‬ is flexibility, half one ‬ is strength, yoga is life, and living is also yoga! ‭‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬! 1.

Keep light and comfortable in yoga, constantly adjust and improve yourself, and you can find the harmony between body and heart.

No matter how busy life is, there will always be a pure land reserved for yoga in our hearts.


Dredge the meridians.

Modern people sit in the office for a long time in summer and like to blow the air and drink ice.

Drinking the meridians is blocked.

Practicing yoga can dredge the meridians of the whole body and make you full of vitality.

3, Increase memory with age, memory is also regressing.

Practicing yoga can increase memory.

Practicing yoga every day will improve your memory.


Increase cardiopulmonary function.

In the coordination of breathing and posture, you can improve your vital capacity, enhance your lung function, and make your cardiopulmonary function stronger.

5, Increasing skin elasticity practicing yoga will accelerate skin metabolism and make the skin in a more transparent and clean state.

Therefore, people who often practice yoga will be younger than their peers, and the skin is elastic.


Enhance strength.

When it comes to yoga, laymen only think that it is really wrong to be soft.

Yoga also has power yoga, such as flow yoga, Ashtanga Yoga and so on.

Regular practice is absolutely able to improve strength and endurance and improve physical fitness.

7, Happier you will find that people who practice yoga are happier than ordinary people.

A study by physiologists shows that practicing yoga will promote the changes of human endocrine and produce a substance called endorphin, also known as “happiness hormone” and “young hormone”.

People’s body and mind are in a relaxed and happy state under the stimulation of endogenous peptide.

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