New Yoga Life

Gu has always thought that Yoga standing forward bending is not soft enough. Just now he realized that it is useless!

At the beginning of yoga, I thought that my body was not soft enough to stand and bend forward without touching my toes.

After practicing for a long time, I did not make great progress.

Now I find that I have been practicing wrong.

In the past, I always focused on the flexibility of the body, but neglected the strength to start the muscles! If you want to do a good job of standing forward flexion, you must start the muscle strength correctly! I.

strength of arms: when both hands support the ground on both sides of the feet, both hands compact the ground, and at the same time push forward, as if to pull the mat forward, but there is no real moving distance.

At this time, the anterior deltoid muscle of the arm is activated.

This muscle connects the arm and the shoulder.

When this muscle is activated, the shoulder and the arm are stable.

If your hands can’t touch the ground, bend your knees and let your hands touch the ground.

If the hand still cannot touch the ground, grasp the calf, pull the calf forward in the same way, and start the deltoid toe in of the arm.

2、 The strength of the front of the thigh the muscle of the front of the thigh (quadriceps femoris) should start lifting.

When the front thigh muscles are activated, the knee is lifted and stabilized.

At the same time, it can also drive the pelvis to rotate forward and downward.

Moreover, the muscles in the front of the thigh start and contract, and the back of the thigh will be better relaxed and stretched.

3、 Strength on the outside of the thigh when the body folds down, the gluteus maximus (the red part in the figure) is stretched.

When the gluteus maximus is stretched, it will drive the thigh bone to rotate outward, thus causing the knee to open outward.

Ideally, the knee is facing forward.

At this time, you should activate the muscles outside the thigh (tensor fascia lata) to let the thigh rotate inward.

At this time, let your feet compact the ground and move away from both sides (but there is no real moving distance), so that you can activate the muscles on the outside of your thighs and move your knees forward.

4、 Abdominal muscles for forward flexion, starting abdominal muscles can stabilize the pelvis and drive the pelvis to fold forward.

At the same time, when the abdominal muscles are activated, that is, the muscles in the front of the upper body are activated and tightened, the muscles in the back can be better relaxed and extended.

There is no wood without knowledge?! Not only standing forward bending, many yoga postures seem to be flexibility exercises, but actually they need to activate the corresponding muscles to go deep into the postures.

Yoga asana is not like what you look like.

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