New Yoga Life

How many of the eight “strange habits” of Yoga people do you have?

Have you found that after practicing yoga for a long time, there are many “strange habits” on your body, and most of you have the same habits? Come and see how many of the following eight “strange habits” you account for? 01 people who walk in the street and see bad posture, such as: pelvis leaning forward, high and low shoulders, always want to go over and adjust her, otherwise they always feel that there is something not done in their heart.

02 in yoga class, I saw those people who are late and noisy, whispering, always want to lean over and say don’t talk in their ears, Please take class seriously 03 I feel that I have made some achievements in practicing recently.

For example, I have unlocked a certain individual body shape and become more beautiful.

I can’t wait to share it with my good sisters around me immediately and I can’t wait to pull them to practice together.

04 I feel uncomfortable all over without practicing yoga for a day.

Either my neck is sore or my back is painful.

Anyway, that feeling is not exciting.

After practicing yoga, I sweat profusely and stretch my whole body.

That sour feeling is really great! Before 05, I changed my mobile phone and bag without blinking an eye.

Now I just want to save money to buy all kinds of things, buy Yoga workshops, buy Yoga master classes, good-looking yoga clothes / wooden mats.

Is it very real? 06 when traveling before, all kinds of clothes were not enough.

Now? Take some yoga clothes and stuff a yoga mat! 07 before yoga, I like to buy all kinds of makeup and skin care products.

After yoga, sweat nourishes the skin, and the kind of pink skin can’t be replaced by any cosmetics.

08 after yoga class, I like to take photos and punch in with people.

If all kinds of yoga postures are unlocked, I want to send a circle of friends to tell you how many of the above Yoga people have the eight bad habits?..

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