After yoga for so long, is your diet on calories or energy?

I have been practicing yoga for a long time, and my focus on food is different! For example, focus on the energy of food rather than calories.

What is the difference between energy and heat? The energy here is positive energy and negative energy, and heat is what we call calories.

We are familiar with calories.

We all know that if we eat too many calories, they will become fat.

So, what kind of food has high energy? In general, less processed food has more energy.

Vegetarian food has more energy than meat food.

In vegetarian diet, sun plants have more energy than shade plants.

Moreover, seed foods (such as nuts, germ, oats) have higher energy.

In the process of cooking food, the simpler the process, the higher the energy.

How does the energy of food affect people? Just like heat, energy will be absorbed by us.

Eating more positive energy food can reduce stress and make people happy! [Almond] When you are going crazy in the chaos, grab a handful of almonds first.

Almonds are rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that can enhance immunity.

Almonds also contain vitamin B, which can help you face extremely bad events.

Eating about a quarter cup of almonds every day can effectively reduce stress.

[Brown sugar] Brown sugar is warm and sweet.

It can strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and has the effects of relieving pain, activating blood circulation, enriching blood, and dispersing cold.

When you are too busy or too lazy to do anything, simply soak a bowl of brown sugar or ginger sugar water, and you will feel that the heating goes straight to the elixir field, and your whole life is invigorated.

[Eat more dietary fiber] If there is not enough dietary fiber, toxins will not be easily discharged from the body.

If they are deposited, health will be discounted.

Many people are in a state of high calorie and low nutrition because they eat too much but are not nutritious and reasonable.

If there is not enough nutrition supplement or excess for a long time, it will induce related diseases.

[Combination of meat and vegetarian dishes] There are many social activities in the workplace, so it is hard to avoid big fish and meat.

So you must remember the combination of meat and vegetarian dishes.

Once the meat dishes are excessive, people will be easily tired.

At ordinary times, appropriately increase the intake of soybean products and fish.

Soybean products have a lipid-lowering effect on hyperlipidemia with excessive fat intake.

Fish containing unsaturated fatty acids is also beneficial to lipid-lowering.

Be sure to chew carefully and swallow slowly, and eat as much vegetables as possible.

The vegetable meat ratio is 3:1 to 4:1, so that even if you eat too much fat, it can be discharged with the dietary fiber in vegetables.

[Pistachios] Pistachios can prevent the heart from beating too fast when pressure comes.

Experts say that when facing pressure, cardiovascular system will react immediately due to stress reaction.

As the pressure increases, adrenaline increases the blood pressure, so it is necessary to reduce the pressure on the heart.

Experts found that eating a handful of pistachios every day can lower blood pressure and reduce the burden on the heart.

After practicing yoga for a long time, you will be more sensitive to your body, not only fat and thin, not only stiff and soft, but also internal energy.

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