New Yoga Life

How to make the whole lotus without knee pain? Practice these 8 yoga preparatory postures often!

Every day, I check the English name of the whole lotus, Lotuspose, and the Sanskrit name Padmasana.

It looks very simple, but it is very difficult to practice.

Many people feel pain in their knees when they practice the whole lotus! In fact, it is because the hip joint is tense.

Before entering the lotus, you should fully warm up the hip, knee and ankle joints to let the body and joints move.

It is safer to enter the pose! Today, we will share a set of preparatory poses for the whole lotus flower.

Regular practice can make the hip joint flexible, reduce the burden on the knee, and prepare for the whole lotus flower! 01.

The low lunge enters into the low lunge inhale from the downward dog pose, the right leg moves forward and exhales, the left hip sinks, the knee lands for 10 breaths, and then returns to the downward dog pose 02.

The half pigeon enters into the half pigeon pose inhale from the downward dog pose, the left leg bends to the front leg as much as possible parallel to the hip, the hip straightens for 10 breaths, and the other side 03.

The double pigeon exits from the half pigeon pose, and enters the double pigeon pose with the double knee bent and cross sitting, Stay on the left leg for 10 breaths, switch to the other side 04.

Embrace the baby and enter into the embrace baby sitting, straighten your legs and lift your left leg with knees bent forward, rotate your left hip outward, put your hands on the outside of your lower leg and shake them left and right for 10 breaths, switch to the other side 05.

Stand in the single leg pigeon standing mountain pose, bend your left leg knees and put your left foot back on the front of your right thigh to exhale and contract your abdomen, bend your hips and knees and squat down with hands folded in front of your chest for 10 breaths, switch to the other side 06 In the beam angle sitting position, the palms of both feet keep the sitting bones downward relative to each other, and the spine extends upward to cooperate with breathing.

Shake the hips from side to side and stay for 10 breaths Try to enter the whole lotus pose after completing the above 7 warm body postures.

Make sure to warm up fully.

After successful entry, the stay time can be extended slowly.

Please note that Jiaren with injured knees and hips are not recommended to practice the whole lotus pose! (The images and texts are sourced from the network.

If the rights and interests of the original authors are involved, please contact the editor to delete them.)..

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