New Yoga Life

The flexibility of Yoga light is far from enough. 10 actions strengthen strength practice!

Stick the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Women’s Yoga circle weight loss yoga introduction knowledge and yoga video, Yoga Slimming exercises selected, teach you a Yoga action every day, let you easily lose weight! Official account the official account has been banned yoga only stretching? To practice yoga, just need flexibility? Do you have any misunderstanding about yoga? Most people’s impression of yoga is usually soft, soothing and relaxed.

However, yoga can also be very dynamic.

Yoga stresses balance and coordination.

It is the combination of flexibility and strength.

Both are indispensable.

The flexibility is good and the strength of the body is sufficient.

Only in this way can the body be balanced.

Compared with other yoga, strength yoga has a faster movement rhythm and more emphasis on the exercise of physical strength and limb flexibility.

Regular practice can make the body full of vitality.

Practicing strength Yoga usually makes you sweat.

It has the function of stimulating and relaxing muscle groups, which is challenging for practitioners.

Before practicing yoga, many people think that yoga is stretching, and there is no way to lose weight.

After stretching, it is a soft fat paper…

No, it is really a misunderstanding.

Practicing yoga is actually a combination of flexibility and strength.

There are a lot of arm support and core exercises, which can strengthen the strength of the whole body! Today, I recommend 10 yoga exercises to strengthen your body strength.

You can also slim down and burn fat.

It’s summer.

Hurry up and practice! 01 from the lower dog pose, exhale forward to the inclined plate and continue to exhale to the four pillar support.

Bend your elbow 90 ° to inhale and push back to the inclined plate and inhale upward and backward to the lower dog pose for 5 times.

02 from the lower dog pose, exhale forward to the inclined plate and continue to exhale to the four pillar support.

Bend your elbow 90 ° to inhale and push up to the upper dog pose, exhale back to the four pillar support and continue to exhale upward and backward to the lower dog pose for 5 times.

03 stand on your feet separately, Inhale with your hands clasped, stretch your hands upward, and bend your knees to squat.

Inhale with your hands in front of your chest, stand with your legs straight, and stretch your hands upward for 10 times.

04 start from the lunge, point your fingers to the ground, inhale with your right foot in front, and your feet jump up.

Exhale, and your left foot falls in the middle of your hands.

Stretch your right leg backward and repeat for 10 groups.

05 start from the downward dog pose, inhale with your right leg straight upward, exhale with your knees touching the nose tip forward, Inhale back to the dog under one leg, exhale the knee forward to touch the rear side of the left big arm, inhale back to the dog under one leg, exhale the knee forward to touch the rear side of the right big arm, inhale back to the dog under one leg, repeat 3 groups, switch sides 06 to the half moon pose, hold the brick with the left hand, stretch the right leg backward to hook the left hand upward, look down, exhale and bend the left knee, inhale and straighten the left knee, repeat 5 times, switch sides 07 start from the dog under one leg pose, bend the elbow downward and touch the ground with the small arm, Come to dolphin pose, inhale and push back to downward dog pose and repeat for 10 times.

08 start from downward dog pose, exhale and bend the knee, inhale and lift it up.

The buttocks come to the right above the shoulders and keep the knee bent.

Exhale and repeat for 10 times.

09 start from infant pose, step on the ground, stretch your hands forward, inhale and move your body forward, come to half of the inclined plate, exhale and bend your elbows, and come to half of the four pillar support, and stretch your inspiratory arms, Exhale back to the infant pose and repeat 10 times.

Start from the downward dog pose, bend your elbows to both sides and touch the ground between your hands.

Inhale back to the downward dog pose and repeat 10 times.

Practice this set of exercises and you will soon be sweating! If you want to strengthen the strength of your arms, back, core and legs, don’t miss it.

You can also burn fat and lose weight by the way! After you’ve finished reading it, you can watch it before you leave 👍。.

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