New Yoga Life

Yoga “chest” and “belly” breathing have never been described so accurately (moving picture)

In our yoga class, we attach great importance to breathing, and different courses and teachers emphasize different ways of breathing.

In class, teachers generally emphasize two breathing methods: 1.

Inhale to the abdomen 2.

Inhale to the chest this is troublesome: how can inhale to the abdomen? Don’t all the air get into the lungs? Come to practice yoga and find that you can’t even breathe.

The whole person is confused.

What is breathing? Don’t worry.

Let’s first understand the basic principle of breathing, and then explain the difference between “chest breathing” and “abdominal breathing”.


Respiration is both physiological and receptive.

First of all, before we understand the concept of respiration, we should know that respiration can be understood from two aspects: first, physiological respiration; second, emphasizing the process of feeling respiration.

If we don’t distinguish the difference between the two, we will have a lot of doubts, such as “inhale to the abdomen”.


The difference between air and breathing is that air enters the lungs for gas exchange, not the abdomen.

When you inhale, your abdomen will protrude outward.

Why? Let’s start with the diaphragm.

Understand the main muscle of respiration – diaphragm 1.

Structure of diaphragm the main muscle responsible for respiration is the diaphragm, which is shaped like a parachute, below the lungs and at the lower end of the thorax.

It divides the upper body into two parts, the thorax and the abdominal cavity, and moves up and down with the respiratory movement.


When you inhale, the diaphragm contracts, and when you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes.

When the diaphragm contracts, the volume of the chest becomes larger, the pressure of the chest becomes smaller, and air comes in.

This is inhalation.

When the diaphragm relaxes and returns to its original position, the pressure in the chest cavity increases and the air goes out, which is called exhalation.

When we are completely relaxed, for example, when we sleep, our breathing is passive (other muscles are relaxed), and we breathe by the voluntary contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm.

This is completely different from when we practice yoga breathing.

With the contraction of the diaphragm, the central tendon and the lower end of the ribs approach each other, and the “parachute” becomes flat.

Here comes the point: “there are two ways to flatten the parachute.

One is to stabilize the central tendon (stop point) and lift and unfold the lower end (starting point) of the ribs, which is chest breathing; Second, the lower end (starting point) of the ribs is stable and the central tendon sinks, which is abdominal breathing.

In chest breathing, the central tendon is stable, and the lower end of the ribs is lifted up and expanded.

When the central tendon is stable and the diaphragm contracts, the ribs will be lifted up, and the chest will expand forward, to both sides and backward.

This is chest breathing.

Chest breathing and abdominal breathing: the lower end of the ribs is stable and the central tendon sinks.

When the lower end of the ribs is stable and the diaphragm contracts, the central tendon sinks.

At this time, the volume of the abdominal cavity does not change, but it is pressed down.

Imagine that the abdominal cavity is a balloon filled with water.

When it is pressed, it will protrude outward.

This is abdominal breathing.

Abdominal breathing through the above analysis, we know that the diaphragm moves during thoracic breathing and abdominal breathing, but the moving parts are different.

Both thoracic breathing and abdominal breathing are diaphragm breathing.

What we discussed above are both extreme cases, but in reality, our breathing is a combination of chest breathing and abdominal breathing, with different proportions.

I believe that many students seemed to understand chest breathing and abdominal breathing before.

Today’s article is simple and easy to understand.

I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s practice.

If you don’t understand the first time, you can read it more times (practice and experience while watching it)! (the content comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the originator.

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