Yoga you must know 6 mistakes and 6 commands of yoga!

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As a beginner, did you enter the yoga studio with a half hearted attitude? Do you really understand the yoga teacher’s password in class? Today, I will take you into these doubts and solve your misunderstandings——— Six misconceptions —— misconception 01: I’ve always been as rigid as concrete, so I can’t do yoga.

Truth: unless you are a ballet dancer or a super athlete, it is normal for you to feel very tight.

So if it seems that you can’t touch your toes, don’t worry.

Through regular practice, yoga can effectively improve the flexibility of the body.

Myth 02: I have been working out in the gym, so I don’t need to practice yoga anymore.

Truth: Although many forms of exercise provide a wonderful exercise for the body, only yoga can be regarded as a therapeutic system, which can help heal injuries, improve chronic diseases and balance psychological stress.

Myth 03: Yoga is just a girl’s exercise.

Truth: Although there are certain things for girls (such as pink lip gloss), yoga is not among them.

Historically, for more than 2000 years, some of the greatest yoga teachers have been male, and Su Dongpo, who we know well, has practiced yoga.

Myth 04: I once tried a yoga class, but it was too slow and boring.

Truth: in some yoga styles, such as gentle yoga, slow rhythm is necessary, but stream yoga or Vinyasa Yoga provides a fast and dynamic rhythm and endless exciting challenges.

Myth 05: I am worried that practicing yoga will force me to accept a religion.

Truth: Yoga is not a religion.

It is a technique that can improve health and physical activity.

If yoga has a belief system, it just makes your body connect better.

Myth 06: I can’t do yoga.

I like to go out and have a few drinks with my friends.

Truth: relax and become a yoga practitioner.

You can still enjoy one or two (or even three) glasses of wine.

With the passage of time, you will find that although you are not forced to change, you will naturally gradually tend to a healthy lifestyle——— Six password explanations —- after understanding the six misunderstandings, let’s take a look at six common password explanations.


Open your feet, hip wide.

Imagine a straight line from your hips to your ankles.

Keep your hips just above your ankles.

The feeling that the knees are forward or slightly close to each other.


The hip is above the heel.

It has been learned that the feet are opened at the same width as the hip.

Keep this foundation, bend forward and fold, and maintain a positive position in this pose.

Bend your knees slightly if necessary; Lift the ischium upward so that the hip can be kept directly above the heel; Stretch the back of your thighs and relax your upper body.


Your knees and hips are in line.

If you stand with your feet open and hip width apart, your knees and hips are the same width, your hands are on both sides of your body, and your palms are facing forward, all your joints are in the right position in this posture.

When we start squatting, we usually turn our hips out or open our inner thighs.

However, in the wheeled and arched poses, the knees will be wider than the hips.

If you want to reduce the distance between the knees, it will be more difficult to bend back.


There are many joint alignment exercises in yoga where the knee is directly above the heel.

“The knee is directly above the heel” is one of the common ones, such as the warrior one form and the warrior two form (shown below).

In these postures, the knee joint is stable; As the asana goes deeper and deeper, the front foot needs to move forward, keeping the knee above the heel.


Pulling the shoulder blades closer to each other is very important in many postures.

Let’s open the chest.

Pull the shoulder blades inward with rhomboid muscle, which can open the chest or “expand the clavicle”.

For example, it is very helpful in wheel pose, lotus pose, bow pose and upper dog pose.

You should also pay attention to sitting in front of the computer at ordinary times to prevent hunchbacks.


Shoulders are backward and downward.

If you first shrug your shoulders close to your ears, then your shoulders sink and relax, and slightly bring your shoulder blades closer, your shoulders will be stable.

In inclined board, crow pose, dog pose and many inverted three-dimensional poses, such as handstand, shoulder stability is required, which is safer and more stable.

Yoga password is the bridge between teachers and students.

Teachers need to convey the password intelligently, and students also need to understand the password and cultivate their awareness…

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