New Yoga Life

10 classic core movements suitable for new yoga practitioners, so that the waist is not painful and the neck is not sour!

Follow us with the blue words on it! For new yoga practitioners, when you practice yoga for a period of time, you will understand the importance of core strength! As a result, you begin to pay attention to the core strength practice, but often many movements you will find that each time you practice, you either have low back pain or neck pain! Don’t worry, share 10 yoga variations that are suitable for new yoga practitioners to strengthen their core strength.

This practice can strengthen their core strength very well! Movement 01 Lie on your back, turn your toes back, stretch your hands straight and exhale, tighten the core, roll up your spine section by section and inhale, restore, repeat 10-15 times Movement 02 Keep sitting posture, breathe in with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, lift your hands horizontally and exhale, tighten the core, inhale with your left hand touching your right foot, return to the original position, exhale, and exchange your right hand touching your left foot left and right for one time, repeat 10-15 times Movement 03 Lie on your back, lift your legs up and off the ground to exhale, tighten the core Lower jaw slightly, bend your knees alternately close to your abdomen, turn left and right for one time, repeat 10-15 times 04 Lie on your back, inhale, bend your knees, lift your breath up, tighten your core, stretch your legs forward, stretch your hands back, inhale, resume 10-15 times of practice 05 Keep your supine position, exhale, tighten your core shoulder blades slightly off the ground, stretch your legs up, hold the back of your calves with your hands, alternately swing down and left and right for one time, Repeat actions for 10-15 times: 06 Lie on your back, cross your hands and exhale from the back of your head, tighten your core legs and lift them up 60 degrees to inhale.

Repeat actions for 10-15 times: 07 Lie on your back, keep your legs bent and lift them up to inhale, cross your hands and exhale from the back of your head, tighten your core, twist your upper body around your right elbow to touch your left knee, inhale, and exhale again.

Touch your left elbow to your right knee alternately once, repeat actions for 10-15 times: 08 Enter the inclined plank, Exhale with your shoulders perpendicular to your hands, tighten the core, curl your tailbone to keep your scapula full and upward, stay for 5-8 breathing movements 09 Enter the side plank from the oblique plank, lean your left hand to the left, stretch your right hand up and exhale, tighten the core, keep your left hip up for 5-8 breaths, switch to the other side for 10 supine movements, relax your body and mind, stay for 8-10 minutes, watch everything and then go 👍。.

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