Step breakdown of “yoga handstand trilogy”, super detailed (attached with motion picture)

Head handstand, elbow handstand and hand handstand are called “the trilogy of yoga handstand”.

Regular practice of handstand can help us keep fit and slow down aging.

Today, I will share with you the entry steps of three handstands.

The dynamic diagram demonstration is super detailed and clear.

Remember to collect it! King Kong kneels on the mat with his head upside down, his hands clasped and his elbows are the same width as his shoulders, his head touched the ground and put between his hands, his toes hooked back and his legs straightened, his thighs tightened and lifted, his sitting bones lifted up and his toes touched the ground, his feet moved forward as far as possible, his elbows pressed on the ground, his shoulders lifted to the back vertical to the ground, his vision parallel to the ground, his abdomen retracted, his core activated, his sitting bones slowly bent his right knee upward, his thighs close to his abdomen, and his left leg gently lifted off the ground, Keep it stable parallel to the right leg, slowly straighten your legs up and look for the ceiling with your heels, bend your knees when your elbows are forced down, slowly lower your legs down and return to the hero’s forward bend, take a few breaths and then stand your elbows upside down with your elbows on the ground, with your forearms parallel to each other and your sitting bones lifted up, your legs straightened, your toes pointedly into dolphin pose, your feet move forward as far as possible, lift your left leg up, and your heels look for the ceiling with your right feet gently, Move the weight forward to the elbow, look at the cushion, keep 5-8 breaths, drop the left leg downward, lift the right leg up and exchange the left and right leg positions, keep 5-8 breaths, pull the abdomen inward to start the core, slowly lift the left leg up and stretch the legs together, heel to the ceiling, hand stand and enter from the downward dog pose, separate the hands with the same width as the shoulders, walk forward as far as possible, hold the right leg high, bend the knee in the front, stretch the left leg behind, stretch the abdomen, push the back, Lift the back legs up and down, lift the legs up in the same way, control the stability of the body, put your feet against the wall, straighten and bend your knees together, point your toes to the wall, put your hands down to take root, stretch your armpits, pull your abdomen inward, and lift your hips up.

If it is possible, move your feet away from the wall in turn, put your hands on the ground, lift your left legs up and right feet to the ground, bounce up, repeat the exercise, hold your left leg up, and slowly lift your right leg up to control the stability of the body, Look down at the floor and keep a few breaths here.

When we look down at the world, all the muscles of our body are active.

This sense of self-control will fascinate us! When you realize that you can completely control yourself, you will become more brave, so that you can face everything bravely.

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