New Yoga Life

Yoga 8 Yoga Plank Support Variants

From the perspective of women, if we recommend a universal core strengthening action, we will definitely recommend it to everyone: flat supported flat support is a kind of self weight training similar to push ups, which can effectively exercise the core muscle group by holding a prone support position during exercise.

It is recognized that it is a good way to exercise the core muscle group.

What benefits will it have if you stick to doing flat support every day? 1.

To strengthen the core muscle group and improve the sports ability, the plate support mainly exercises the core muscle group, including the transversus abdominis, oblique abdominis, rectus abdominis, and gluteal muscles.

By doing plank support, you can strengthen these muscles.

When these muscles are strengthened, you will find that your athletic ability is improved.


To reduce the risk of back and spinal injury, doing plank support can strengthen and consolidate your muscles, which can ensure that there is not too much pressure on the spine and back.

According to the research of American Sports Association, flat support can not only reduce back pain, but also provide strong support for your back, especially in the upper back area.


Compared with other waist and abdomen exercises, the flat support exercise to improve the basic metabolic rate of the body can consume more calories.

For example, supine tummy roll, supine rise, etc.

If you can exercise regularly, even when you are sitting at the computer or sleeping, they will also consume calories.


Improving your body posture The plank support exercise will improve your core muscle group, which can greatly improve your standing posture and stability.

Therefore, after a period of flat support practice, you can always maintain the correct sitting posture.

Because the core muscle group has a profound impact on the overall condition of the neck, shoulder, chest and back.


To improve your balance ability, here is an example.

Before you practice flat support, you can close your eyes and stand on one leg.

It may take only a few seconds.

When you have a period of flat support practice, you will do this movement differently.

Therefore, it can improve your balance ability.


You will become more flexible.

Plank support mainly exercises core muscles, but when you regularly adhere to this movement, you will become more flexible.

Because it will extend this advantage to other parts of the body, such as the legs, hips, shoulders, back, etc.

We should know that our body is a whole.


Adjust your mental state When you take the plank support exercise as a part of your life, then tell you a good news.

It can calm you down and relieve your anxiety and depression, because regular plank support has a specific effect on the nerves.

Especially when you sit by the computer one day, your leg muscles are tight, and your shoulders cannot be relaxed, these will transmit to your nerves, making you feel irritable, anxious, and depressed.

Today, we will share 8 variant exercise methods of flat support for you.

If you can stimulate 4 core areas in an all-round way and keep practicing for 30 days, your abdomen will become more and more tight.

Action 1.

Enter the inclined board, exhale, tighten the core, move the center of gravity forward, inhale, and repeat 10-15 actions Lift both ends of the left leg to inhale, restore, exhale, and change the other side to the left and right alternately.

Repeat 10-15 times, Repeat for 5-8 times and then change the left leg 6.

Return to the plank support and inhale, point the hips downward and put the elbows on the ground, extend the spine and exhale, tighten the core, and repeat for 10-15 times Bend your knees forward and practice it for 15-20 times alternately./Beauty is in the eyes of the gazer./Beauty is in the eyes of the gazer.

The change of beauty starts from the body and mind, and takes place from the inside to the outside, slowly changing every aspect of life, realizing the growth of the whole person, and blooming the richest life of women.

We change ourselves and influence people around us to meet a more beautiful self every day.

All beautiful things are born of love.

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