New Yoga Life

Three moves of yoga can get rid of the wide fake crotch and quickly make you “narrow”!

Pay attention to us with the blue words on it! Many people complain – why do I have a thin waist, wide hips and flat hips? Obviously not fat, why do you feel that your thigh root has obvious protrusions? Why is my butt getting bigger? If any of the above conditions is met, you should carefully check whether it is “false crotch width” that caused the disaster! 01.

Symptoms of false crotch width The true crotch width is located at the waist, and is generally natural.

(The crotch muscles with true crotch width are more symmetrical.) The false crotch width is located at the root of the thigh and the femoral head is prominent.

The width of the false hip is generally the internal rotation of the hip joint, usually accompanied by X-shaped legs and splayed hips, ankle deformation, etc.

(The leg of the crotch with the false crotch width has obvious protrusion) 02.

The influence of the false crotch width 1.

The stability of the hip joint, knee joint and ankle joint is poor; 2.

It is easy to cause damage to the main joints of the lower limbs during exercise (especially vigorous exercise); 3.

Hip muscles are weak, and the performance of standing weight bearing is relatively poor; 4.

The hips are flat, X-shaped legs, splayed hips, etc., which affect the appearance.

Now that you know the seriousness of the problem, you must ask: How can I correct it to return my true crotch width? Now I’m organizing a set of crotch exercises to make it easy for you to shrink your crotch, and I’m not afraid to walk around the world! Warm up Step1.

Lie flat on the yoga mat, open your legs with the width of your shoulders, and your feet are in an outer octagon.

Put your hands behind your hips, hold them, lift your hips, and then swing your feet.

Hold for 1 minute.

Step 2.

Bend the elbow, open both feet, and lift the outer eight by about 30 cm, then put it down firmly.

Step 3.

Sit, put your feet in eight, and then put them down.

Step 4.

Lie flat on the ground, with your feet in eight, and your inner thighs and feet.

Exhale and raise it, stay for 10 seconds, and put it down.

Stretch the inner thigh muscle group: close the soles of the feet, open the legs outward, put the hands behind the head, relax the whole body, and keep the waist close to the ground.

Do two groups of 5 minutes each.

The method of holding the pen to the hip bridge: put the knee together, hold a pen in the middle of the hip, slowly contract the hip and lift it up, and firmly hold the pen in the hip and suck it into the pelvis, so as not to let the pen fall.

Always pay attention that the knee, hip and shoulder are in line, then the abdomen, the most stressed part is the hip, followed by the back of the thigh, and the waist is just a support.

One minute is a group of four groups.

Repeat the stretch on the inside of the thigh.

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