New Yoga Life

You should know the benefits of Astonga Yoga!

Astonga yoga can improve the circulatory system of the human body, regulate the body and mind, and make people feel refreshed.

Practitioners can also achieve the balance between strength and flexibility, improve cardiovascular function, make the body more light, flexible and strong, and achieve the effect of detoxifying the body.

Today, let’s talk about the specific benefits of each posture in detail, starting with the standing posture.

The standing sequence Padangusthasana (hand and toe stretching) starts the standing sequence with this posture, helping to prepare for the later forward bending by stretching the hamstring and calf and strengthening the thigh.

This posture helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

Stimulate liver and kidney, and improve digestion.

Padahastasana (hand at foot) increases the flexibility of hamstrings and exercises the lower back.

It also improves the blood circulation of the upper body and alleviates physical and mental fatigue.

Trikonasana (Triangle) This position increases the strength of the legs, knees, ankles, arms and chest, because the lungs can be fully expanded.

The hips, groins, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest and spine are also stretched.

Parivrtta Trikonasana (twist triangle form) With the increase of twist, abdominal organs are stimulated, thus improving digestion.

It also improves the balance.

The position of Uthita Parsvakonasana (lateral extension) starts to test the endurance required for the main sequence.

It can strengthen and stretch the legs, knees, groins, waist and ankles.

The spine and shoulders will also be stretched.

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (lateral angle torsion) torsion increases the new challenge of balance, and also stimulates the abdominal organs and improves digestion.

It can also help the body detoxify by stimulating fresh blood to flow through the viscera.

PrasaritaPadottanasana A, B, C and D (double angle) positions provide the benefits of folding forward and standing upside down, such as helping calm the mind and relieving stress and anxiety.

Extend and extend the spine and extend the back of the leg to relieve mild back pain.

Relax the tension in the neck and shoulders.

Parsvottanasana (enhanced side stretching) This forward bend provides an additional balance challenge that helps calm the mind and improve posture.

In the two-handed prayer, the spine, shoulders and wrists are deeply stretched.

It also stretches the hips and hamstrings, and strengthens the legs.

Uthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Standing Hands and Toes Stretching) This is another balance position, stretching the back of the legs, opening the hips, and strengthening the legs and ankles.

Standing on one leg can also improve your sense of balance, and the extension of the arm also provides an opportunity to open the shoulder.

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (half lotus standing forward bend) This forward bend increases the opening of the deep hip and the extension of the hamstring.

Challenge your balance.

Utkatasana (phantom chair) can strengthen ankles, calves, thighs and spine, and stretch shoulders, calves and Achilles tendons.

Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I) This pose develops concentration, strength, stability, endurance, balance and coordination.

When increasing the circulation of the whole body, let the muscles warm up to prepare for the following sitting sequence.

Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) Warrior II can enhance strength, stability, endurance and attention.

Strengthen and extend the legs and ankles, as well as the groin, chest, lungs and shoulders..

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