Practicing one minute of yoga cobra pose every day has these six magical effects Yoga Audio

Rice weight loss method 00:000:32 (click to learn audio) Yoga and weight loss yoga tips.

The pictures are from the internet ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ The popular principle of “rice weight loss method” is to only eat rice every day to lose weight.

But does this really work? Even if other essential nutrients that can help to slim down the body are lacking, can losing weight lead to health? The following is the opinion of two well-known experts on the “rice weight loss method”: White rice, as a common staple food in daily life, usually has the functions of tonifying the middle and supplementing qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and is beneficial to human health.

However, generally only eating white rice cannot lose weight because it has a high carbohydrate content, which can lead to excessive calorie intake and ineffective consumption, resulting in fat accumulation, Eating less can easily lead to malnutrition.

2: Eating rice alone cannot lose weight.

The main component of rice is starch, which has high calories.

Eating rice regularly can make people fat.

If consumed appropriately, rice rich in dietary fiber can not only increase the body’s satiety, promote gastrointestinal motility, but also help the body lose weight.

Especially Job’s tears, which can regulate gastrointestinal function, is a low-fat, low-calorie weight loss diet.

So, balanced nutrition and a combination of thickness and fineness are the key to weight loss.

Cobra pose: 1.

Lie prone on a cushion, with hands on both sides of the chest; Open your feet as wide as your hips, 2.

Inhale and extend your spine, lift your chest up, and slowly straighten your arms; Beginners can place their hands on the front of their body.


Keep their eyes straight ahead and take 5-8 breaths

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