New Yoga Life

10 minutes before bedtime, yoga is specifically designed to treat insomnia, regulate endocrine function, and get started quickly!

Today’s young people, wearing the most expensive facial mask, stay up the latest night People with long-term insomnia have irritable temper, easily lose control of emotions, premature aging, weakened immunity, endocrine disorders, and so on.

The scariest thing is the domino chain reaction, severe insomnia can destroy various aspects of your life, work, interpersonal relationships, and even cause depression..

So, in order to alleviate or truly treat insomnia nowadays, psychological adjustments are actually more important than physical ones, and yoga is one of the best choices. Today, the editor recommends an effective yoga method for regulating insomnia. Let’s take a look together:.

Extend and stretch the waist, place two yoga bricks or a blanket under the knees.

Place your forehead on your legs or on a yoga brick, feel your breath, and feel calm!.

Massage internal organs, reduce back pain, detoxify and beautify, and extend the spine!.

And stabilize both sides of the ischium on the ground, change posture, and extend the leg closest to the ground..

Helps reduce menstrual pain, for greater comfort, a blanket can be placed under the ischium..

If the hamstring muscles are tight, please move your hips away from the wall or bend your knees a bit..

10 minutes before bedtime, do a few simple actions to make your sleep sweeter~.

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