New Yoga Life

8 secrets for yoga practitioners to practice self-discipline, collectible level!

As a beginner in yoga, how can you self-discipline yourself to step onto the yoga mat and start practicing every day? Here are 8 tips for yoga practitioners to practice self-discipline!.

If you don’t make a plan, you will be planned by others. Create a scientifically feasible schedule for your yoga practice, follow it every day, and you will find that sticking to yoga is not so distant and unattainable..

At the beginning, it will be difficult to persist. You can first break down your goals from easy to difficult. If you set your goals too high from the beginning, it’s easy to give up when faced with setbacks, so start with simple and achievable goals!.

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In addition to self-discipline, one can also choose heteronomy. Make an appointment with yoga buddies to practice clocking in every day, which will give you more motivation..

When achieving a certain goal, you can give yourself appropriate rewards, such as a beautiful yoga outfit or a beloved yoga mat. Appropriate rewards can better motivate us to move forward..

Human self-control is limited, stay away from temptations that may hinder your practice. At the same time, when facing temptation, give yourself 30 seconds of thinking time to make more rational choices..

If one day you become lazy and don’t want to practice, you can give yourself some positive psychological suggestions, such as: what changes will persistently practice bring you? What can I gain through practice? In this way, you can quickly find the answer..

Treat every practice as an enjoyment. Make yoga a dessert in life, turn lonely moments into enjoyable ones, and bring you energy and joy!.

Everyone will encounter their own yoga bottleneck period: slow progress, imperfect postures… Don’t rush to deny yourself at this time, give your body some time, learn to forgive yourself, and one day there will be a bright future ahead..

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