Yoga practice in March of Yangchun, weekly yoga sharing

In spring, everything revives. In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver corresponds to spring, and its function is more vigorous in spring. The liver is responsible for metabolism and detoxification, and through yoga techniques such as stretching and twisting, it can achieve detoxification and beauty benefits..

During the Chinese New Year, many friends stay at home and lack exercise. In addition, they eat and drink a lot during the holiday, causing their weight to gradually increase. In spring, Yang energy is generated, and the body’s Qi and blood activities are enhanced. The body’s metabolism begins to be vigorous. At this time, yoga can achieve twice the result of weight loss with half the effort..

As the saying goes, spring is tiring and autumn is tiring. In spring, people will always feel tired, and yoga can bring energy, make you full of vitality, and alleviate the phenomenon of spring fatigue..

The five elements of spring belong to wood, representing upward extension. Therefore, spring should practice more stretching movements to slowly awaken the body that has been dormant throughout the cold winter and enhance flexibility..

Spring is a season with a high incidence of infectious diseases. Practicing yoga can improve the body’s immune system, enhance physical fitness, and prevent infectious diseases in spring..

Spring is windy, and wind evil can easily cause diseases. Therefore, practicing yoga should avoid practicing in windy areas, pay attention to keeping warm and preventing cold, and add or remove clothing in a timely manner..

Infant Bike Seat

After a whole winter, the body inevitably becomes stiff. Therefore, it is safer to warm up before practicing..

Practicing yoga should choose what suits oneself and not force the body to exceed its limits; Choose a suitable exercise intensity for yourself. It’s good for the body to sweat just now, as sweating too much in spring can easily drain the body’s yang energy..

Throughout the cold winter, the human body seems to be curled up, so the most suitable exercise for spring is stretching to awaken the body. Stretching and balancing yoga poses can achieve both stretching and massage effects, while avoiding excessive exercise, excessive sweating, and damage to yang energy..

1. Mountain standing. Taking a deep breath, take a jump step and separate your legs, with a distance of 120-135 centimeters between them. Keep your feet in a straight line, with your toes facing forward, and press your little toes down on the ground. Raise both arms horizontally, parallel to the ground, with palms facing downwards..

2. Exhale slowly, turn your right foot 90 degrees to the right, and also slightly turn your left foot to the right. Extend your left leg outward and tighten your knee. Exhale again, bend the right knee, with the right thigh and calf at a right angle, the right tibia perpendicular to the ground, and the knee and ankle in a straight line..

3. Inhale and straighten your right leg. Rotate your feet with your toes facing forward. Repeat this pose on the other side. Then exhale and jump back into the mountain pose..

Do not shift your torso to the right or lean forward, adduct your shoulder blades, and focus on the side of your body that is stretched out. The benefits of practicing this posture include exercising abdominal organs, relieving spasms in calf and thigh muscles, increasing leg and back muscle elasticity, and making leg muscles more symmetrical and strong. By expanding the chest, respiratory system function can be improved..

1. Sitting on the ground with legs extended. Bend the right knee and place the heel of the right foot close to the left groin, with the sole of the foot against the inner side of the left thigh. Turn your torso to the right and place your hands on both sides of your right knee, with your palms facing downwards..

2. Lean your torso forward above your right leg, bend your elbow, slightly lift your left hip up, and extend your left leg backwards along your hips. Straighten your elbow. Lift your right hip off the ground, slightly shift your hip to the left, and place your right foot below your left hip or left thigh..

3. Within a comfortable range, you can move your right foot further to the left. When inhaling, lift the spine upwards. Maintain posture and breathe naturally. If this position.

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