As a new yogi, understanding these can better practice yoga


Benefits of yoga practice 1.

Physical level: weight loss and shaping; Enhance the flexibility of the body and the strength of muscles; Effectively prevent physical diseases, enhance physical resistance and keep physical and mental health; Effectively regulate the problems of shoulder, neck, lumbar spine, knee joint, spine and other aspects of the human body; Effectively regulate the viscera and organs of the human body and improve the digestive system, immune system and nervous system of the human body; Improve the endocrine system of human body, regulate female dysmenorrhea, menopause and pelvic diseases; 2、 Spiritual aspects: 1.

Let our minds be improved and more peaceful and focused; 2.

Cure depression, mania and other psychological diseases through yoga posture, breathing and meditation; 02.

The characteristics of Yoga physiotherapy: (1) respecting individual differences; (2) taking physiological anatomy as the scientific basis; (3) using yoga to physically treat individuals; (03) the difference between yoga and general exercise Yoga: we must concentrate on consciousness and keep the body stationary for a period of time in a certain posture to achieve the unity of body and mind; Make endocrine balance and balanced development of body limbs; The whole body is comfortable, the mind is calm, and the interior is full of energy; Sleep time does not need to be too long.

General movement: make the body move mechanically without too much consciousness; Make muscles developed, but not balanced; Physical strength is easy to consume, muscles are easy to fatigue, and long-time sleep is needed to restore physical strength; 04 ― common misunderstandings and misunderstandings in practicing yoga 1: only those with soft body are suitable for practicing yoga.

Because when practicing yoga, the body becomes soft, but not those with soft body are suitable for practicing yoga.

This is the misunderstanding of most people about yoga.

In addition, yoga emphasizes moderation rather than the range of action completion.

As long as the practitioner does his best, he can get the ideal effect.

Myth 2: Yoga is a weight loss exercise.

The ultimate goal of yoga practice is the balance of body (body), heart (thinking, emotion, etc.) and spirit (instinct to perceive things).

Therefore, practitioners not only obtain physical health, but also obtain psychological health and instinct development.

As far as fitness is concerned, the role of Yoga also includes regulating endocrine, treating and assisting in the treatment of diseases, reducing fatigue and stress, etc.

weight loss is only one of the purposes of practicing yoga.

Myth 3: Yoga is a feminine sport.

Although yoga is very popular among women, yoga is not the patent of women.

The original practitioners (or inventors) of yoga are all men.

Today’s famous yoga masters are almost all men.

In some European and American countries, the popularity of men practicing yoga is even higher than that of women.

Myth 4: Yoga needs group practice to have an atmosphere.

Although group practice has its atmosphere, yoga is essentially a way of self-cultivation.

Therefore, it is easier to devote yourself to the process of self-practice, so as to get twice the result with half the effort.

Myth 5: Yoga is like jujitsu or dance.

The purpose of yoga is completely different from jujitsu and dance.

Jujitsu and dance are mainly for performance.

The purpose of yoga is to comprehensively practice from the three aspects of body, heart and spirit.

In the process, it needs the cooperation of posture, breathing, meditation, relaxation and other techniques.

Its purpose is complete health and self-cultivation.

Myth 6: sticking to practice is a painful thing.

Yoga is not a tiring exercise.

On the contrary, it can relieve fatigue and refresh spirit.

Practicing yoga every day is like doing a leisure massage of the whole body from viscera, glands to muscles, bones and even brain.

Its comfort is not easy to obtain in other ways.

In addition, any kind of fitness exercise needs long-term persistence in order to have proud achievements.

  05 – the 14 groups most in need of yoga are prone to tension, anxiety and impatience; Often headache or eye fatigue; Often feel depressed and troubled by insomnia; Often shoulder neck, neck stiffness and pain; Prone to low back pain; Too fat or too thin; Gastrointestinal discomfort, often constipation; The skin has no luster and is prone to acne and acne; Easy to get cold hands and feet; Weak constitution, easy to catch a cold; Endocrine disorders, menstrual pain in physiological period; Long term life and work pressure; Often feel chest tightness or panic; Acidic constitution, sub-health.


Precautions for yoga practice: you need to have an empty stomach 2 hours in advance during class.

If you are hungry, you can eat a small amount of fruit and milk appropriately; After practicing yoga, you can eat or take a bath at least half an hour apart; When practicing, please wear comfortable and elastic clothes or sportswear, and shoes and socks must be taken off; When practicing yoga, try to remove jewelry from your body; During practice, please turn off all TV, telephone and radio to keep the environment quiet; You can also play soft music to help relax your nerves; When practicing, please focus on the present and listen carefully to the information sent by your body.

If you feel unwell or tired, please stop and rest slowly; Do not stretch or twist your body too fast or reluctantly during posture, otherwise it is easy to damage joints or muscles; When there is no special prompt, please breathe through your nose.

Keep breathing slowly and don’t hold your breath; After a serious illness or suffering from any chronic disease, you must explain to the coach before attending the yoga class.

If you have any health questions, please seek advice from your doctor first; When you are sick, you should rest more and don’t consume your physical strength.

You can do some simple stretching to relax a little; People with high blood pressure, heart disease or retinal detachment should not perform any handstand; Women are also not suitable to practice any handstand position during menstruation.

However, more practice of inverted posture and other yoga movements can improve menstrual flow and menstrual pain; Pregnant women must seek the advice of coaches and doctors before they can practice yoga; Yoga is a non competitive activity.

Everyone’s physical state is different, so you should not compare with others.

At any time, please concentrate and act according to your ability.

07 as a Jiaren, you should know that yoga comes from India.

Adhering to practice can achieve the effects of body shaping, meditation, improving skin quality, preventing chronic diseases, promoting blood circulation, eliminating tension and fatigue and improving sleep.

Both men and women can practice it; In order to avoid sprain or strain, please do asanas according to the teacher’s guidance, carefully warm up and relax, and don’t force yourself to challenge difficult asanas; Yoga pays attention to step by step.

The threshold of yoga is very low, so low that you can practice as long as you have one breath; The threshold of yoga is so high that it takes a lifetime to realize it-   Recommended -..

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