New Yoga Life

How to practice yoga when aunt is here? This set of menstrual Yoga sequence is worth collecting!

Spine twist supine, bend knees 5


Sit and stand in a beam angle position, bend knees, heel close to perineum, feet close together, feet close to each other, knees abducted, inhaled, spine extended, exhaled, bent down, forehead supported on brick, hands on both sides of brick relaxed, keep 1-3 minutes, restore 4


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Kneel in cat and cow posture, with hands and feet apart and hip width, inhale, raise your head up and extend your back, exhale, lower your head and arch your back, look at your navel, pay attention to the controlled extension of your spine, and exhale 3-5 times


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A lot of fans left messages in the background asking, can you practice yoga when your aunt comes? In fact, practicing some restorative postures during menstruation can not only help us relieve the discomfort during menstruation, but also help us recover physical strength and repair energy


I suggest you collect them and take good care of yourself in special periods! 1


Thank you




However, menstrual Yoga must remember, can not do inverted three-dimensional! At the same time, we should also follow the following principles: · grasp the exercise intensity according to their own situation; avoid all inverted postures (pelvic position is higher than the heart) · avoid squeezing the abdomen and postures that are easy to cause tension and fatigue; try not to keep too long standing or balance posture; do not do severe backward bending postures, such as bow and wheel postures; do not support the whole body with arms Today, I recommend some yoga postures suitable for menstrual practice


This article is from the Internet, and the content is only for discussion after dinner


Kneel in baby posture, with blankets on the lower side of your legs, blankets between your big and small legs, and pillows on your hips, inhale and extend your spine, exhale, and bend over 3


Lie on the pillow with knees bent, heels close to the hips, knees extended, blankets or bricks can be padded under the knees to reduce pressure, hands on both sides of the body, palms up to relax, Keep your eyes closed for 3-5 minutes, and then go after watching


Supine with a punch from the buttock to the pillow


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