These yoga postures are called wrinkle killers. The more you practice, the younger you are!

But in fact, the lines of the face are telling us and revealing our attitude towards life


Note: keep your hands and feet in a straight line, head against the mat, straighten your knees, and feel the full extension from your feet to your back




Shoulder handstand shoulder handstand is a panacea for most common diseases and a good way to detoxify and lose weight


You will gradually induce the nervous system to relax and bring this habit into your daily life


Blood backflow strengthens many nerve plexus, helps internal organs recover, nourishes face, helps to remove acne and improve skin color


In the following yoga exercises, remember to add “relax the face”


Note: beginners can practice against the wall


Remember, you are the king of beasts now! When you do this exercise, you should really roar like a lion


Prasarita padottansana is a gentle inverted pose, which can obtain many benefits as other inverted postures


Note: don’t let go because of shyness or other reasons


A person’s most obvious and lasting expression will be fixed on his face as a mask that can’t be taken off


It can exercise facial muscles, help prevent and slow down facial wrinkles, creases and sagging, and change our appearance


Relax the face throughout the exercise


The infringement must be deleted..


Halasana this is a standard movement for women’s self-care


People with high blood pressure, heart disease, weakness over 60 years old and menstruation are not suitable for practice


If the waist and abdomen muscles are weak and can not lift the legs, you can continue to practice strong waist and abdomen postures, such as single leg, double leg lifting, boat style, etc


At the same time, it can enhance the blood supply to the brain, promote the blood circulation of the face, and activate the regeneration of aging cells on the face


Copyright notice: the picture and text come from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author


The blood flows naturally to the head, nourishes the face and scalp, and balances the digestive system and endocrine system


The lines of the face are pouring out to us, revealing our attitude towards life! Many people think that the appearance of wrinkles just because there is no good maintenance, no skin care products


Simhasana is one of hatha yoga postures


For example, increase the blood supply of the upper body and head area, moisten the nervous system of the area, keep the head awake, and restore the spirit and vitality


Note: menstruation, spinal discomfort should be done with caution




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