Why should we pay more attention to dredging the shoulder and neck in winter when practicing yoga?

18-20 times of dynamic exercise is a group of movements 04


It’s especially uncomfortable! When practicing yoga in winter, you must pay attention to warm-up, especially in the shoulder and neck area


Inhale, restore, move Prone position, hands open in capital y


Slowly turn from small circle to large circle, around 30 times


Hands on the back of the hips, chest open


Dynamic practice 5-8 times as a group, practice 5-8 groups after this set of sequence, if conditions permit, apply a hot towel around the shoulder and neck, speed up the blood circulation, the shoulder and neck will be more comfortable-


Inhale, restore, dynamic exercise 12-15 movements 08


With breathing, head slowly turns to both sides


Keep simple sitting, hands crossed on the back of the head


Exhale, hands under the towel slide back


Inhale, spine extended, exhale, head bent to the right


If it’s serious, it can even lead to cerebral infarction and cerebral thrombosis! So Today, Xiao Bian shares a set of shoulder and neck yoga, frequently practice shoulder and neck, dredge shoulder and neck, increase blood circulation, and pay attention to keep shoulder and neck warm! Action 01-02: simple sitting, spine extension, shoulders relaxation


Keep simple sitting, hands raised horizontally


Inhale, open chest, shoulder blades close


Prone position, hands straight forward


Practice 12-15 times as a group


Keep easy sitting, shoulders up


Keep simple sitting, waist and back straight, exhale and jaw slightly retracted 12-15 times of dynamic exercise is a group of movements 03


Keep simple sitting, hands crossed on the left waist


Then counter clockwise Also circle 30 movements 07


Exhale, chest arched, elbows facing inward


Exhale, tighten the core, hands up


hands clench, thumbs up


Exhale, tighten the core, hands elbow down


With breathing, shoulders drive hands around clockwise


When the north wind blows, it’s chilly around the neck


Recently, the weather is really getting colder and colder


Stay for 5-8 breaths, exchange the other side action 06


Because it’s cold, the capillaries are easy to contract, and the blood supply is insufficient, which can easily lead to headache, dizziness, and insufficient blood supply to the brain


Sitting position, legs straight, feet straight


Hold for 5 seconds, practice 8-10 times Move 05


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