How to find balance in yoga

When practicing yoga, a common problem for many people is that it is difficult to master balance


This balance is not only in the balance postures, but also in other postures


For example, mountain style, you are not standing there mechanically or unconsciously, but feel the balance of the two forces, standing there like a mountain


Starting with the feet, feel the roots of the feet and push them evenly


Your big toe ball, your little toe ball, the inside of your heel and the outside of your heel


Apply the skin on the sole of the foot and place it on the mat


The more support points you have, the larger the support area and the more balanced your body is


At the same time, the arch of the foot should be activated to form resistance, which can be extended to the balance state


For example, the lifting of the chest and the sinking of the shoulders are also forces of confrontation


In addition, we can also find many such forces, which restrict and cooperate with each other to maintain physical stability


Let’s talk about some common balance postures, such as tree postures


This type of body needs to stand on one leg, then bend the other foot on the inner thigh of the straight leg, and keep pushing each other to stabilize the body


The principle here is the same as that of Yamagata, and the base of the foot still has to take root


Press and start the arch


Put your hands in front of your chest or keep your arms upright


You should push left and right


If the arm is up, the palm can be reversed


Beginners should not hold their palms unless they can make sure they don’t shrug when they are together


Imagine that your hands are like a branch of a tree


Keep pulling up to let the energy reach your fingertips


At the same time, pay attention to the shoulder sinking and avoid shrugging


The balance of postures should not only have strength, but also learn how to borrow power, how to “save energy” and how to establish the power of circulation


Find the gaze point, and then observe the gaze point with both eyes to increase the concentration and stability of inner consciousness


Take a deep breath


It helps to stabilize the body


Some people may be born with poor balance, or cerebellar imbalance, or have their own pelvic correction, scoliosis and other problems, which will affect physical exercise


You still need to strengthen your attention and breathing to gradually stabilize your body


Yoga practice is not a one-time practice, we need to practice step by step, for beginners, balance is more difficult, especially to find the body consciousness, and then slowly


Don’t be impatient, don’t resist, don’t give it up, find a way to practice for yourself and keep improving


For example, you can use yoga chairs, elastic bands, walls, yoga bricks and other accessories to help you build a sense of balance


It’s a sense of spiritual balance


When practicing yoga, we need balance everywhere


How to establish a sense of balance in yoga practice varies from person to person


We need to constantly feel it in repeated practice


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