Read a book and listen to the contemporary leader’s explanation of Ashtanga Yoga

In fact, there are eight branches of yoga, including precepts, internal control, postures, breathing control, sense of control, concentration, meditation and Samadhi


Ujjayi’s breathing doesn’t seem to be free breathing as Pattabhi Jois said, but I like the feeling of tightening my abdomen, so that my body can be light


In addition to asana practice, reading Yoga books is also a great help


Working means that through breathing, our consciousness can be connected with the body, so that we can look inside and just pay attention to the body and breathing


Of course, I will ask myself to read more yoga books


This way of breathing, mainly occurs in the chest area, more feeling the expansion and recovery of ribs, is conducive to tightening the abdomen, stabilizing the core, and has a quick effect on activating the body’s energy


He is now the head of the Institute of maisoas Tonga and often teaches around the world


I remember when I first saw the yoga teacher in the hall, whether he was stepping forward with one foot in dog style, or jumping between his hands with both feet, he was landing gently, seemingly effortless and envious


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And in our daily life, we will unconsciously develop the habit of “control”, such as controlling diet, controlling sleep time, controlling practice, and then controlling our behavior and consciousness


In Astanga’s practice, breathing and postures are perfectly combined


Sometimes, if you learn the right way, you can reach the other side of your dream as long as you keep practicing


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As the leader of the Ashtanga school, sharath introduces the uniqueness of Ashtanga Yoga in detail in heritage


Sharath Jois, the grandson of patabhi Jois, has been a teaching assistant of patabhi Jois for 19 years


The most important thing of astonga is not only the movement, but also the correct way of breathing, that is, the free breathing with sound and the serial steps of breathing and movement


When I was in Phoenix high temperature yoga, my teacher cherry taught us Ujjayi breathing in class


I was lucky enough to read “inheritance” at the right time


Even if you can’t do a few movements, you can still understand what yoga is through the correct practice


Asana is the foundation of self exploration


In other people’s eyes, “control” may represent the loss of something, but what we realize is that in the process of control, we seem to have more skills


Although I have been looking for a similar feeling, not perfect, but I seem to understand the principle


It will make the body full of vitality, and the practitioner will feel the difference


It reminds me that some people practice yoga in an individual way, by simply shaking the body, to open the body


Safety means that we consciously stretch our bodies in a state of concentration


 … Even if you read a lot of books, it’s hard to understand them without practical experience


As a result, our hearts are free and calm, and the whole person feels great


In the class with core strength as the theme, the teacher will generally guide this breathing mode


He began to learn yoga at the age of seven and began to study formally at the age of fourteen


Gradually, the word “control” will go deep into our mind


Most people start with the third one


It’s very difficult to keep precepts and internal control, but through the practice of postural method, we can gradually understand the meaning of keeping precepts and internal control, as well as the other branches of eight yoga


Patabhi, Jois and Krishnamacharya teach us many postures to promote physical and mental change


Now think about it, it’s quite terrible, such tremor is not controlled, not afraid of stretching too much? We can recall the teacher’s guidance in yoga class, such as standing and flexing, breathing in, pressing the ground with both feet, keeping the abdomen close to the thigh, the sitting bone facing the sky, breathing out, tightening the thighs, slowly straightening the legs, feeling the stretching of the hamstring at the back of the thigh, so that the body can stick closer


In philosophy, if you refer to the book of Sankara, you will find that it has been mentioned that asana practice must be combined with root lock


“First of all, Ashtanga Yoga is unique


If postural practice is correct, your mind and body will transform, you will find their changes, you will see the difference before and after


In the process of learning asana, we are constantly controlling our breath and body


” There are many kinds of breathing methods in yoga


Many people read a lot of books and have rich knowledge of yoga, but they lack practical experience, so their knowledge is useless


The reason, I guess, is that we control the senses, so that we don’t let the mind be tempted by the external senses


Although there are occasional thoughts flying around, over time, our attention will be improved


Although there are many schools of yoga, for Ashtanga Yoga, I feel grateful that after practice, I can better understand the eight branches of yoga


It is powerful and has obvious effect on the body, so I think this exercise system is completely different from other factions


It was really a moment to show the essence of the Yoga world to me, so that I could walk more smoothly on this road


(after reading heritage, combined with personal practice experience, I hope the wisdom of books and yoga can help you.) Although asana is not the whole of yoga, you can’t jump out of asana when you enter the Yoga circle for the first time


It’s a wonderful feeling, and more importantly, it works and it’s safer


Either the body follows the breathing in and out of the postures, or in the static postures, breathing slowly increases the strength of the body or gradually opens the body


This exercise is inherited from Krishnamacharya


Practice + reading, feel is the perfect match for learning yoga, collect it


As a yogi, we need to know the whole picture of yoga, but also to understand that yoga is far beyond the asana


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