New Yoga Life

Yoga asana 5: tree asana

The name of tree is treepose in English and vrksasana in Sanskrit


Vrksa means tree




Stand in mountain style, bend your right knee, open your right knee to the right, put your right foot palm on the inner side of your left thigh with your right hand, at the root of your upper thigh, as close as possible to the perineum, and point your toes directly below


Raise your hands sideways over the top of your head, put your hands together, relax your shoulders, look straight ahead, exhale, land your right foot, put down your arms, and Practice on the other side


In the early stage of beginners, try to keep both sides of the waist at the same height, the upper body is still in mountain style, and the hip is in neutral position




Figure 4


Anatomical position map of tree type: spine neutral position, pelvis level, standing leg, hip extension, knee extension, knee flexion, hip flexion, abduction and abduction, knee flexion


Linear: coronal plane, ear, shoulder, lateral hip, knee in a straight line




Auxiliary practice method (1) using the wall auxiliary practice method (2) using the yoga chair auxiliary practice method (3) using the stick auxiliary practice method (4) using the wall auxiliary practice method (5) the advantages of practicing tree style, strengthen the leg muscles, improve the body’s sense of balance, adjust the shoulders, pelvis, and the whole body shape


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