New Yoga Life

If you practice yoga while lying down, you will never be round shouldered and hunched again!

The advent of the Internet era has brought great convenience to human society, but it also brings many problems to human beings


Mobile phones and computers almost never leave their hands


As a result, problems such as round shoulder hunchback, head forward tilt, scoliosis, low back pain and so on appear


Today, I recommend a yoga movement


You can practice it at home or in the office, and it has different degrees of difficulty


You can choose according to your own physical condition, and Practice for 10-20 minutes every day


Not only can improve and round shoulder hunchback, long-term practice open chest, open shoulder effect is also bar drop




Easy version 1.0 lies on the back of the cushion and puts the Yoga pillow horizontally on the back of the sternum


Another Yoga brick is placed vertically on the back of the occipitum and hands are placed on both sides of the body


Close your eyes and relax




Easy version 2.0 lies on the back of the cushion


One Yoga brick is placed horizontally on the back of the sternum


Another Yoga brick is placed vertically on the back of the occipitum


Hands protect each other and elbows are placed on the back of the head Put your hands on the back side of your head, put your elbows on the back side of your head, put your hands on the Yoga brick under your head, stretch your hands back with the help of the extension belt, open your chest and armpit, open your shoulders at the same time




Upgrade version 1.0 – lie on the pillow with the supine angle, put your head on the towel, put your feet close to the perineum (or with the help of the extension belt), and put your hands on both sides of your body, or hug each other Elbow on the back of the head, close your eyes to relax, this exercise can not only open the shoulder and chest, but also help open the hip, help relieve symptoms of dysmenorrhea, regulate blood pressure, relieve lower back pain, relieve varicose veins and sciatica


Supine on the cushion surface, feet close to the perineum (or with the help of extension belt)


A brick is placed horizontally at the back of sternum, a brick is placed vertically at the back of occipital bone, hands are placed on both sides of the body, eyes are closed to relax




Upgrade version 2.0 – supine hero kneels on the cushion surface, legs close together, feet slightly larger than hips, hips sitting between feet, body lying back on the pillow, head on the pillow This posture on the towel can not only open the shoulders and open the chest, but also stretch the abdominal organs and pelvic area


It can help relieve the symptoms of dysmenorrhea, stretch the abdomen, thighs, gluteal flexors, knees and ankles, strengthen the arch of the foot, relax the tired legs, and improve the digestion ability




Upgrade version 3.0: sit and stand on your back, bend your right knee, put your right foot in the groin of your left thigh, bend your left knee, put your left foot in the groin of your right thigh to form a lotus, lie back on a yoga pillow, put your head on a towel, and close your eyes


This action can not only open your shoulders and open your chest, but also relieve muscle tension of your legs, nourish the central nervous system, and reduce blood pressure


No matter which action you choose, practicing every day can not only improve and prevent the problem of round shouldered hunchback, but also meditate while practicing, which can effectively improve our nervous system problems, calm down, release stress and fatigue, and promote sleep


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