New Yoga Life

Do yoga, deltoid muscle is strong, shoulder shows old not good-looking? These six movements should be practiced frequently!

Recently, Jia left a message asking if he had any deltoid stretching exercises


He said that his shoulder deltoid is too thick and fat, which is very old and not good-looking


Before answering this question, let’s have a brief understanding of the anatomical structure and function of the deltoid muscle of the shoulder


The deltoid muscle consists of three bundles, which are located on the surface of the shoulder and participate in almost all the movements of the shoulder


In short, no matter how your shoulder moves, in that direction, it’s involved


In daily life, there are several reasons for deltoid muscle hypertrophy: 1


In real life, many people’s deltoid muscle hypertrophy is not good-looking and aging


To a large extent, it’s not the deltoid muscle itself, but because of the long-term round shoulder hunchback head forward


When you solve the problem of round shoulder hunchback head forward, The deltoid problem is solved




Deltoid muscle compensation practice yoga, the shoulder force error, leading to deltoid muscle compensation, such as the most common shrug, practitioners will almost all the strength in the shoulder, if long-term such wrong practice, deltoid muscle will be more and more developed, strong and not good-looking




Long term sedentary, lack of exercise, shoulder and neck Qi and blood barrier


For many people who are sedentary and lack of exercise, shoulder muscles are very easy to be tense and stiff, Qi and blood barrier


Especially for sedentary computer group, not only the muscles of neck, back and arm are easy to be tense and stiff and hypertrophy, but also the triangle muscles are easy to be stiff and fat


Therefore, if people also have the problem of deltoid muscle stout / hypertrophy / stiffness, we should first look at the causes of their problems, and then solve them pertinently


So, in view of the problem of deltoid muscle rigidity and hypertrophy and the compensation of deltoid muscle in yoga, Jiaren can often do these six effective exercises to stretch deltoid muscle before and after practice, so as to avoid deltoid muscle rigidity and hypertrophy


At the same time, dredge the shoulder neck and open the shoulder


Let’s have a look: action 1: stand in mountain style, raise the palms of both hands horizontally, stretch the left arm to the right, bend the right elbow, Hold the left arm close to the chest for 1-2 minutes, change the other side action 2: kneel on the mat surface, legs apart and hip width, feet thumb touch, hip sitting on the heel exhale, body forward bending down, hands arms extended on the Yoga brick, elbow bending, hands on the back or hands folded upward for 1-2 minutes action 3: lie prone on the mat surface, Hold your hands flat, palms down, exhale, open your body to the left like turning a book, put your right hand on your back, put your right foot on the back of your body, bend your left knee to keep 5-8 breaths, restore, and then turn your left arm up 60 degrees to keep 5-8 breaths, restore and then up 30 degrees to keep 5-8 breaths, restore, repeat the other side action 4: Mountain stance, Breathe in with your feet as wide as your hips, stretch your spine upward, stretch your side waist and exhale, bend your body straight back forward, cross your hands with your fingers behind your body, keep away from your back and abdomen, look for your thigh, and look for the back of your head with your arms downward


Keep: 1-2 minutes, restore action 4: find a corner or door frame, open your arms to both sides, bend your arms on the wall, and keep your body close to the corner, Keep 1-2 minutes action 6: kneel or sit on the Yoga brick, extend your arms upward, bend your right arm downward, put your palm on your upper back, hold your left hand from above your head, hold your right elbow for 5-8 breaths, keep your right elbow unchanged, rotate your left arm inward, bend your elbows, hold your hands behind your body, beginners can keep 5-8 breaths with the stretching belt, On the other side, click into the video number below to watch more dry goods


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