New Yoga Life

Yoga Instructor: how to breathe when practicing yoga?

Question 1: how to breathe, teacher? How do I feel that my stomach is always suffocated when I inhale and bulged when I exhale? Could you give me some guidance? A: there are three types of breathing: chest breathing, abdominal breathing and full breathing


During chest breathing, the abdomen keeps adduction all the time


Whether you inhale or exhale, the chest expands when you inhale and adducts when you exhale


During abdominal breathing, the abdomen protrudes when inhaled and concave when exhaled


The fluctuation of the chest is relatively small


In full breathing, the chest and abdomen expand as you inhale and contract as you exhale


When practicing postures, you can use the flowing and core strength chest breathing, slow and simple postures


Question 2: how to connect the arm, shoulder and core? A: in addition to the traditional three methods (chin, abdomen and perineum), there are also the external methods (armpit and groin) in modern yoga


The armpit is the connection point between the arm and the shoulder, and the groin is the connection point between the core of the abdomen and the leg


To find the stability of the armpit, one is the anterior serratus muscle, the muscle between the ribs, and the other is the latissimus dorsi muscle, probably around the lower end of the scapula


These two muscles stabilize the arm and shoulder


If you want to find these two muscles, the easy way is to do a cat stretch bow


The main point of inguinal connection is iliopsoas muscle, which extends from spine to thigh bone


Similar to straight leg near the chest movement can exercise to this part


Question 3: why do I feel a lot of arm muscles when I practice by myself


Am I not stretching well? A: the lack of stretching is on the one hand, and on the other hand: at the beginning of practice, the body muscles will increase, so will the arms and thighs


But after practicing for a long time, you will use your core and breath to practice asana instead of relying on muscles


Moreover, there are so many yoga postures


Every day you take different classes and different postures, your body will be stretched to different positions


Question 4: I feel that my left and right sides are different


The right side is more relaxed than the left


Why? A: most of us often use the right side of the body, so the right side is more powerful, and we have more control and awareness of the right side of the body


Especially the standing posture, arm support posture and so on, the advantage of the right side will be particularly obvious


Yoga stresses balance, trying to practice equally to both sides of the body


Some teachers will let students practice from the left side, just to strengthen the weak left side


The fifth question: Yoga slimming effect is very slow, does the teacher have any other suggestions? A: it is suggested to do more upper class yoga and Ashtanga Yoga to fully mobilize the core and strength


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