New Yoga Life

Why do yoga teachers often say: don’t bow your back! Your spine is badly squeezed! (attachment: spine conditioning)

In yoga class, the teacher always stressed, “don’t bow your back, don’t bow your back!” the teacher told you not to bow your back, not only because the posture is not done in place, but your spine has been seriously squeezed! Teachers love you.

Bow your back again! The waist is about to break! When we bow down, let’s see what happens to the spine: yogis (yoga_in) obviously, the intervertebral disc will move, squeeze, rotate, etc.

if it exceeds a certain range, intervertebral disc herniation will be formed in the long past! This is why many movements that squeeze the lumbar spine or sitting for a long time will lead to lumbar disc herniation.

The reasons for arching the back in asana are 1.

The body is stiff and the movement of joints is limited.

Typical An example is the forward flexion: in class, when doing standing forward flexion, for beginners, you will see the following two situations.

Which one are you? Left: the back of the thigh is relatively tight, limiting the forward rotation of the hip joint, squeezing the lumbar spine and sacrum.

Right: the back of the thigh is relatively loose, but the arch back does not fully rotate the pelvis, bringing pressure to the sacrum area.


The abdominal strength is insufficient, and the lumbar spine compensates Boat pose is a typical example: when the abdominal strength is not enough, you will bow your back.

A very useful way to do when there is a bow back is to bend your knees.

Whether in forward flexion or boat pose, you can bend your knees, give priority to the rotation of the pelvis, and reduce the pressure on the lumbar spine and sacrum.

How to avoid squeezing the lumbar spine in life? Don’t bow your back! Remind again! For example, in the figure below When lifting heavy objects, you must close your stomach and keep your legs stable! Here are a few lying down positions that can regulate the supine twisting posture of the spine.

Many yoga classes end with supine twisting and then do the body straightening posture.

For the spine, it has a good massage and relaxation effect.

Lie on your back, twist and lie on your back, spread your arms flat, put your palms close to the ground, put your legs together, lift your right foot and put your heel on your left foot Stand on the toes with the spine as the axis.

With the exhalation, drive the legs to twist the body to the right, turn the head and neck to the right and left, stay and turn the body back with the inhalation, bring it right, and fall back to the right foot.

The same method is to do the other key points: shoulder comfort, turn the head to the opposite knee cover, hip alignment, lower legs on the ground, upper back on the ground, supine torsion (ex means exhale, in means inhale) Type 1: change the direction of the legs type 2: change the direction of the hands type 3: press the knees by hand type 4: separate and close the knees type 5: keep the knees away from the chest, separate and close the knees type 6: separate the knees, press the knees by hand, it is recommended to keep the supine torsion for 1 minute or more each time, and the effect is better.

Remember, don’t bow your back when practicing!..

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