New Yoga Life

It’s not your problem that some yoga poses can’t be done. Maybe it’s not suitable for you at all!

Practice yoga every day and find a good helper for yoga.


I’m too hard to get up in wheel pose…

Ah! I fell on my handstand again! My God? Why can’t I bend down! In yoga practice, we often encounter some postures that we can’t complete, and our first reaction is always to find the reason from ourselves, such as thinking that our body is too stiff, or that we don’t master the key points of postures, etc.

However, have you ever thought that you didn’t complete these postures, perhaps not because of your problems, but because these postures themselves are not suitable for you? 01 don’t blame yourself for not being able to complete asanas.

There are 84000 asanas in yoga.

However, real yoga practice requires the combination of consciousness, breathing and body, not for these actions.

“Do” and “can’t” in yoga are not the standard to measure the quality of yoga practice.

As long as you breathe, feel, exert force, stabilize and flexible joints and stretch rigid parts in practice, so as to achieve the purpose of physical exercise.

“Do” does not necessarily mean suitable, “can not” does not need to blame and force their own body, because everyone’s physique is different and unique.

Don’t get hurt by forcing yourself, and don’t take yoga as a competitive competition.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether we can do asanas.

What matters is whether we gain health, happiness and peace because of yoga practice in this process.

02 asanas can’t be done not because you are not soft enough, but because asanas are not suitable for you.

In yoga, no asanas are suitable for everyone, and no one can complete all asanas.

What limits our range of motion is the tension and pressure between body tissues.

Tension, which is the resistance of the tissue (muscles, ligaments, fascia).

Pressure is generated by contact, including: bone and bone (hard compression), meat and meat (soft compression), bone and meat (medium compression).

Only by understanding the limitations of your body can you better coordinate with your body and avoid confrontation in an individual pose.


In motion, when bones collide with each other or squeeze other tissues, it is the upper limit of our range of motion.

For example, when the two people in the figure above are doing the pose of backward bending, the boy on the left cannot extend his spine backward like the girl on the right.

Due to the different structure of the two lumbar vertebrae, when they practice backward bending, girls can go back a little deeper, while boys quickly reach the limit.


Squat generally, when your knee is farthest from your foot and your heel is still on the ground, your ankle needs to reach the maximum back flexion to enter the squat.

For many people, due to the limited back flexion ability of the ankle, their heels will leave the ground at this time.

When you squat to the position shown in Figure D, the back flexion range of the ankle is less, while the hip flexion is the largest.

Therefore, if you can’t squat down, or if you squat down, you will fall down.

It’s not necessarily an ankle problem, but it may also be related to your hip joint.

03 when practicing yoga, you should also pay attention to retreat for progress.

When practicing yoga, you should practice within your ability.

If you can’t do the asana, don’t force your body.

You can choose to practice simple asanas.

As long as you find comfort, stability and safety in simple yoga asanas, you can also reap the benefits of asanas.

Today, yogi Xiaobian will introduce you to the simple version of ten basic asanas.

I hope you can find a more effective and safe practice method that is more suitable for you.


In tree pose, if it’s difficult to put your foot at the base of your thigh, or your body can’t stand stably, you can choose to move your foot downward until your toes touch the ground.

Remember, don’t put your foot against your knee, which may cause knee injury.

If you find it difficult to keep your balance when holding your hands above your head, you can put your hands on your chest or hold your hips.


Cobra pose if you feel pressure on the lumbar spine during the backward bending in Cobra pose, you can try to pad a yoga brick under the pubis to reduce the backward bending range and help the chest open better.


Four column four column can exercise the strength of the whole body, but for many people, it is difficult to be a standard four column.

You can choose a simple version of four pillars on your knees, or put a yoga brick under your chest to help you complete the four pillars support.


Triangle stretching in triangle, putting your hand on a yoga brick to extend your arm is a common and simple version.

You can also directly reduce the lateral bending range and put your right hand directly on your right leg.

If you have a much worse range of side bends in trigonometry, even if you can’t make up for the height with yoga bricks, you can directly reduce the range of side bends and try to practice trigonometry against the wall.


In the beam angle forward bending, you can try to pad a yoga brick under your hips, which is also a reduced order practice method of left and right sitting posture.

This practice can ensure that the pelvis is upright and the spine is upright, so as to better complete the posture.


Half moon pose can extend the arm length by placing yoga bricks under your hands, reduce the difficulty of posture and maintain balance.

In addition, you can also practice against the wall, with your upper hand close to the outside of your thigh and your eyes looking straight ahead.


Standing with your big toe can bend your knees, use an extension band, or put your raised foot against the wall.

In asana, the right hand is held flat on the side of the body, which is more helpful to maintain body balance.


In the plow type, yoga bricks can be placed under the feet, and the height of the bricks can be freely adjusted according to the completion of the pose until the whole back is perpendicular to the ground.

At the same time, you can also hold your back with both hands to reduce the difficulty of this pose.


For those who have difficulty squatting in wreath pose, you can put yoga bricks under your hips when practicing wreath pose, or you can also choose to put something under your heels to reduce the difficulty of this pose..

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